Sophie Martin

23 Acts Of Chivalry That Men Need To Bring Back

Sending something every now and again to her office. The value of a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates received while in the middle of the work day, in front of all her coworkers, is something you can’t put a price on.

25 Little Things That Make Women Irrationally Mad

Using a bathroom at someone’s house where they have not provided a little trash can to throw away their products in. What are you supposed to do, besides roll it up in toilet paper and put it in your purse?? Some of this stuff doesn’t flush!!!

21 Things To Look For In The Person You Marry

A love of cooking, or at least of eating good food. There is a place and time for Easy Mac and dinosaur nuggets, but you don’t want to be with someone who only ever eats that, and only ever wants to eat that.