Sophie Martin
20 People On What Every Post-Grad Must Know To Be Successful
Show up 15 minutes early to every single job you ever get.
Do You Know What A Botfly Is? Here’s What It Looks Like When You Get One
If you’ll excuse me, I have to go check my skin in the bathroom mirror for an hour.
14 Tweets From #YesALLWhiteWomen, The Hashtag Feminists Need To See
Because if this conversation isn’t about intersectionality, then we aren’t really talking about progress.
This Woman Shared Her Day Through Google Glass, Including The Bad Parts
Her story is the story of many women around the world.
21 People On The Most Weirdly Brilliant Thought They’ve Had In The Shower
Some identical twins probably have switched their names multiple times. Because parents lost track.
Watch This Man Who’s Been Burping Every 5 Seconds Since 2012
It shouldn’t make me laugh, because it’s obviously a really terrible problem….
Watch These Two Girls Get Into A Car Accident While Taking A Selfie
Let’s use this as a reminder to not play with our phones (or, God forbid, take selfies) while driving.
18 People On The Time They Found A Dead Body
At this point the man gasps for air very suddenly and loudly. We are all caught off guard and startled.
27 People On The One Thing Everyone Is Ashamed Of, But Shouldn’t Be
Saying that you’re depressed just carries different weight than saying your arm is broken.
18 People On What Threesomes Are Actually Like In Real Life
The aftermath however wasn’t so great. The woman in question is very, very intelligent, funny, versatile etc, but also a little scary.
21 Incredibly Sad Attempts At Food Porn
Is that a steak? Someone please tell me that’s not a steak.
Watch This Young Woman Explain What It’s Like To Be Terminally Ill
This woman is so young, so brave, and so honest. We could all learn something from this video — and all of the videos in her series of interviews.
9 Types Of Girls I Don’t Understand
This one really pisses me off, because it’s honestly so common, but no one will admit it.
Watch Angelina Jolie Make A Brilliant Point About The Nigerian Schoolgirls While Promoting A Movie
We often don’t take Angelina Jolie seriously because she’s “just an actress,” but we should, because she’s brilliant.
13 Signs You Are A “Happy Relationship Girl”
You genuinely hate all those quotes that girls share about how “If you can’t handle me at my worst, blah blah blah,” because, in your experience, the only relationships that work are the ones where BOTH parties are trying to be the best version of themselves.
17 Bizarrely Satisfying GIFs You Won’t Be Able To Stop Watching
This melting bunny.
8 Frustrating Things City People Always Say To People In Small Towns
“I wish I could pay that little in rent!”
21 Everyday Signs You’re Bad At Being A 20-Something
You still wonder why you’re so tired all the time, even though you spend more nights than not browsing the internet/watching Netflix until 2:30 in the morning.