It’s Okay To Need Someone To Lean On

I see you getting ready to blossom. I see you preparing to rise. I see you at the edge of your dreams. ⁣

I see you peeking over, wondering whether you’ll figure out how to fly or just how to get by. I see you counting the miles until you might feel “enough” to try. ⁣

I see you dancing with the temptation of finally going after what you want. I see you flirting with the universe as you gather the courage to ask for what you need. ⁣

I see you smiling at the stars knowing that your wish is about to get granted, and I see you starting to finally believe in yourself.⁣

I see you, and I want you to know I support you.⁣

Because I also know that the journey to becoming can get lonely. I know that once you take that leap, you may or may not question everything. ⁣

And when you get scared or when you feel lonesome, I want you to know that it’s okay to lean on something. ⁣

Because there is no shame in asking for help, needing a hand, or just wanting someone to unravel with. ⁣

Because there is nothing wrong with craving connection or having a haven for when days are long. ⁣

You are worthy of all the things you seek, and I cannot wait for you to cradle them in your palms.⁣

Just know you don’t have to travel to that moment alone. Know that support does not mean surrender and that help does not mean quitting.⁣

Know that the universe has your back, and it’s okay to lean on the parts of the world that make you feel seen. ⁣

There are parts of the journey that need to be done independently, but there are also parts when it’s okay to fall back on something. ⁣

I see you, and you’re so close. You are so close to manifesting everything. ⁣

And if you ever need something to lean on, please lean on me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet