13 Absolutely Unique (And Adorable!) Animals You Should Be Following On Instagram

“Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” – George Eliot

If you’re like me, you’re following multiple dogs on Instagram and a picture of a French Bulldog puppy is probably the best thing you’ll see on your feed all day (next to a hugging kitten).

You might also be like me, in that you can’t commit to taking care of a dog just yet in your life. In the meantime, I admire other people’s dogs on the internet and in NYC’s various dog parks.

Puppies aside, I’ve discovered that there are numerous other pets on Instagram that are intriguingly fun to follow. There’s an entire world out there of animals worth your “like” and attention.

So, if you’re in the need of an aimless distraction or occasional Insta-delight, look no further than this curated list of the most lovable and unique pets to follow. Cheers to all the pet moms and dads for picking these epic names.

Happy scrolling!

1. Pumpkin the raccoon.

Who knew a raccoon could be so cute!

2. Ludwik the guinea pig.

He’s just as fancy as his name.

3. Juniper the fox.

The prettiest fox you’ll ever see.

4. Loki the wolfdog.

Who wants to go on an adventure with this pup?

5. This squirrel.

You’ll never look at a squirrel the same after seeing her pig hat.

6. Hedgy the hedgehog.

Who knew hedgehogs can smile?

7. Super Pringle the bearded dragon.

WHAT. A. NAME. So cool you’ll want to get your own.

8. Goats of Anarchy.

They’re handicapped goats in sweaters. Say no more.

9. Mr. Bagel the chinchilla.

May or may not convince you to get a chinchilla.

10. Hamlet the piggy.

“This above all: to thine own self be true.” By that I mean follow this pig.

11. Rhea the naked birdie.

Different is beautiful.

12. Molly the bunny.


RIP Wally.

13. Grumpy Cat

You obviously can’t have this type of list without including her.

What’s your favorite pet to follow?

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Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet

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