8 Perfect Gifts For The Person Who’s Always Too Busy


It feels as if time has been moving awfully quickly lately. One moment we were all in college, the next we were plopped into the real world, and now we’re somewhere in our twenties trying to maneuver through life and figure out who we are.

Now, every single year, when December comes around, we all say “wow, I can’t believe it’s the holidays already.” Seriously, I’m sure it even trended on Twitter.

We’re the generation that moves fast, thinks on our feet, is always running towards our goals and making new opportunities. We are the generation that refuses to slow down. So we live social lives but forget to sometimes to cultivate our social life. Time is moving quickly and we all need a little bit of help keeping up.

So this year, for the friends that are too busy to hang out and for the siblings that don’t have any time – there’s a handful of gifts that they could truly use. Heck, you could buy them for yourself too.

1. Planner.

Once you get used to using a planner, you won’t know how to survive without one. Keep all future plans for the year in one easy and accessible place so we never overbook ourselves or forget an appointment. This one even gives back to charity.

2. Reusable Mug.

This is a given. Most of us are all on the go, go, go. And most of us are carrying a coffee cup while we do it. Utilize a reusable mug for mid-afternoon refills and save the planet while you’re at it by limiting waste.

3. Home Voice Assistant.

It seems trivial, but imagine how much time we could save by asking Alexa or Google Home, “what’s the temperature outside” and “how’s the traffic looking from A to B” all while we’re getting ready in the morning. We could all use a few seconds or minutes back in our lives.
Key Finder. If we could have all the time back we spend looking for our keys, we could probably binge on an entire season on Netflix. Okay, not really, but having an enabled key finder (among other things) would really help when we’re in a rush.

5. Personal Shopper.

Most cities have plenty of shopping options plus there are countless online boutiques. The issue is that we don’t have time to look through either. I recently tried Stitch Fix and was surprisingly delighted how detailed the survey was, and once I received the products they matched my personal style to a tee. I didn’t even have to leave the house!

6. Lunchbox.

Sure, the faster thing would be to go out and buy lunch each day. However, our bodies and our wallets will thank us by prepping food ahead of time. We can make it simpler and more fun with lunchboxes like the crowdfunded Prepd.

7. Smart Carry On.

Millennials love to travel – that’s a given. By getting a great carry on, it’ll save time packing, unpacking, and looking for our toothbrush. Plus, now that airports are charging more for checked bags, carry-on bags will even save us more time (and money) at the airport and upon arrival.

8. Amazon Prime.

I kid you not when I say my Amazon Prime membership saved my life a few times. Anything we could possibly need will arrive at our doorstep (at usually comparable prices) in just two days. This saves us all time from running errands and last-minute needs.

The best gift of all, though? Time.
This holiday season, no matter how busy we, our family or our friends are… Let’s give each other time. Schedule a day or night to spend together (maybe even using your nifty planner) and enjoy the last few days of 2016. Because before you know it, it’ll be a new year and it seems each one is coming faster than the last.

So even though we’re all busy, the most important thing to do is slow down and be with the ones we love this holiday season. It’s time to wrap up our holiday shopping, send out our Christmas cards, and then slow down long enough to build relationships with the people we’re shopping for and writing to. In the long run, memories are the best gift we could give. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet

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