13 Things Every Person Can Look Forward To For Winter In NYC

“New York gets god awful cold in the winter but there’s a feeling of wacky comradeship somewhere in the streets.” ― Jack Kerouac

David Creixell Mediante
David Creixell Mediante

I moved to New York City a little over six months ago. In that time, I’ve been able to get my first look at true seasons. I arrived at the tail end of a crisp Spring, I took the Summer by storm, and I stared doe-eyed at the changing colors of Fall.

Now we’re nearing Winter – the one that most people would warn me about. We’re close to the tipping point between the two seasons, but I’m not fearful of what the chilly season holds. Instead, I welcome it with open arms (that will have several layers).

I remember coming to NYC years ago right before Thanksgiving (right around now about 5 years ago actually). I remember getting lost but finding my way accidentally to the Rockefeller Center and staring up at the tree, enchanted and lost in reverie.

I remember thinking how wonderful Winter must be in New York. I smiled against the dream but I didn’t act on it that day. Alas, I took a sip of my hot coffee and returned back to Florida towards a different path.

Five years later I’m living here and I get to have my first winter wonderland. I get to be one of the people in the crowd that I admired all those years ago. I admired them for having the courage to take on the city. And the holidays here, I believed was their reward.

So, now that the day has come, I plan on fully taking advantage of it. I plan on making the most of the city before it gets too cold for this Florida native. Here’s how:

1. Ice skating. This is my first winter in NYC so I can be a little bit of a tourist still, right?

2. Christmas markets. Europe does this so well, so I’m excited to see the NYC version. Everywhere from Bryant Park to Union Market, to the Brooklyn Flea – you’ll find my perusing the stands.

3. Pop-up restaurants. This NYC tradition is one I cannot wait to taste. From Baita by Birreria to Rolf’s… I’m all about it.

4. Fireplaces and mulled wine.
Spiced red wine is by far my favorite holiday drink. Pair that with a fireplace, good conversation or a good movie and that’s my heaven.

5. Cuffing season. I’ve heard to cold weather makes people fall together… even if it’s temporary. No matter how silly the phenomenon sounds, who wouldn’t want to be a part of it?

6. The first snow. I’ll be one of those people sticking my tongue out and jumping for joy, hands down. Snow angels? Yes. Snowballs? For sure.

7. The window displays.
Working in advertising I can appreciate great visual merchandising, but the department store Christmas window displays never cease to amaze me.

8. Holiday shows.
I already bought tickets to The Nutcracker at the Brooklyn Ballet, but there are so many more shows to see like the Rockettes or a rendition of A Christmas Carol.

9. Wandering Central Park.
I’d like to sled down a hill, just one time.

10. Dyker Heights Christmas Lights.
Over the top Christmas lights in my home borough of Brooklyn? Absolutely.

11. Shopping for winter clothes.
I love me some flip flops and tank tops but comfy sweaters and funky hats are everything right now.

12. Finding the city’s best hot cocoa
. I’ve done my research on the best hot chocolate in NYC, but I think it’d be wise to taste them all myself.

13. Santa Con 2016. Dress up as Santa Claus with all of your friends and drink around the city? What’s there not to love?

About the author

Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet

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