Shelby Sever

Good person, messy eater, notorious plant killer.

To My Fellow Sexual Assault Survivors: You Did Nothing Wrong

Someone chose to take something from you, yes, but you are still here. They didn’t take all of you. Someone else was weak; they couldn’t wait for something or couldn’t handle the rejection of not getting it so they took it. But you are not weak.

I Think It’s Time To Let You Go

This doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, or that I didn’t wish things were different. I’m just doing that thing you do when you love somebody, understanding that what is best for them isn’t necessarily what is going to make you the happiest.

When You’re Scared To Let Your Guard Down

When you’re a guarded person, when you don’t let people in easily, you trick yourself into thinking it makes you stronger. You believe that by building this massive wall around yourself that you are protecting yourself.

A Look Inside

I want you to look at her. I mean really look at her. At her core, at her rawest point I want you to look.

When It All Begins To Crumble

It could be something small that sets it off. Small things have a way of piling up to make big scary monsters of a thing.