Guys, Love Is Not A Casual Affair

Pexel /
Leah Kelley

I hope you are doing well. I wish you all the happiness that you deserve. But just wanted to let you know one thing – love is not a casual affair. It takes a heart full of true emotions. It demands care, time and attention. It demands affection. It demands sincerity. But you will never understand what it feels like because to you it was just a casual affair.

Love is all about respecting each other’s shortcomings and forgiving each other’s misgivings. But you don’t know what it takes to give your all because it was just a casual affair. While you search for a perfectionist for yourself, you choose to forget the fact that you are imperfect, too. But that didn’t matter to you because it was just a casual affair.

She gave you her heart and you chose to break it apart because it was just a casual affair. She was waiting to meet you while you waited for a perfect girl to cross your way because she was just a casual affair.

She called you up numerous times but you chose not to take her calls because it was just a casual affair. She tried to show her affection but it hardly affected you because it was just a casual affair. All she ever wanted from you was your company but you had your own because she was just a casual affair. The girl who chose to be with you when you were at your lowest didn’t deserve a bit of your success because you see, it was just a casual affair. All she did was to love you endlessly but oh boy, for you, it was just a casual affair.

Guys, having a casual affair won’t make your life fair either. Stop taking love so casually. It’s not a game to be played with, it’s an emotion. Stop acting smart when all you can be is a loser.

Don’t pretend to love someone when all you can do is break their heart. Don’t pretend to give your all when all you can do is make them feel small. Don’t try to act mature while letting your actions reveal your immaturity. Stop treating a good woman like shit and learn to remain single rather than pretending to just mingle for the sake of a casual affair because guys love is not a casual affair. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sheetal Bhardwaj

Crazy, fun-loving ambivert.

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