Shaylee Logan

Creative Writer
Articles by
Shaylee Logan
If You Want To Guarantee A Healthier Relationship In 2021, Start Doing These 5 Things
Sometimes in relationships, we become obsessed with the idea that the definition of a healthy relationship is that relationship that makes us happy; rarely do we think of this happiness as a two-way street.
This Is Why Short-Term Relationship Breakups Hurt So Much
Sweet girl, you are allowed to cry, and your feelings are more than validated. Because it is not about him, it’s about you.
I Love You, But Now It’s Time For Me To Set Myself Free
My love for you is endless. Maybe that’s why I’m broken.
Don’t Get Into A Relationship Until You Know How To Love Someone
Love is more than a euphoric feeling; it’s a promise. It’s a promise to segue into a new chapter of life hand in hand with your lover and from then on choose to look through a lens of unity and togetherness.
I Will Leave You In 2019, And I Won’t Look Back
I will leave you in 2019, but not what you taught me.
Find Someone Who Can Love You Through The Difficult Days
I find that falling in love when you’re struggling for stability may not be the most conventional way, but it is the best way.
Read This When You’ve Lost Your Way
When you’re lost, you become disheartened and confused, but there will always be a little piece of you that believes that one day you will finally break through and find what’s right for you.
You Were My Everything, And Then You Weren’t
You were the ocean and I drowned myself in your presence.
This Is Why ‘Joker’ Is Arguably The Best Film To Come From 2019
The Joker will be the best film 2019 has to offer and will remain a legacy of achievement among past and future portrayals of the man behind the mask.
Someday He Will Come Back To You
He will be the same, and maybe that’s part of the problem. He will love you the same way. It’ll be the same love that let you go and gave up on you — that stopped loving you.
I Love You So I Choose To Forgive You
But I believe love is always worth the fight in the end.
This Is Me Learning To Unlove You
Don’t let love hold you prisoner.