19 Adorable Photos Of Puppies All Tucked In For Their Little Nap

1. That derp!

Source: Imgur

2. A comfy place to nap.

Source: Imgur

3. This seat is taken!

Source: Imgur

4. He needs his favorite teddy bear to go to sleep.

Source: Imgur

5. This one too :)

Source: Imgur

6. Time for a nap!

Source: Imgur

7. Nap is ~*bliss*~

Source: Imgur

8. ‘Should I get out of bed…or nah?’

Source: Imgur

9. Looks so comfy!

Source: Imgur

10. Peekaboo!

Source: Imgur

11. Puppies love their teddy bears!

Source: Imgur

12. ‘Oh, did you want me to get up?’

Source: Imgur

13. That face!

Source: Imgur

14. So toasty under the covers!

Source: Imgur

15. ‘Let me go back to bed!’

Source: Imgur

16. ‘I see you!’

Source: Imgur

17. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Source: Imgur

18. A comfy bed and a comfy blanket. What else could a corgi ask for?

Source: Imgur

19. Snuggle-lover. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Source: Imgur

About the author

Shauna Robinson

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