19 Photos Of French Bulldogs To Make Your Life Much, Much Better

1. Life is better when you dress up

2. Life is better when you’re sitting down


3. Life is better when you’re wrapped under a blanket

4. Life is better when you’re playing in snow

5. Life is better when you’re traveling

6. Life is better when you’re celebrating it

7. …and when you take pictures of it

8. Life is better in a sweater


9. Life is better with a partner

10. Life is better when you’re comfortable

11. Life is better when you don’t take yourself too seriously

12. Life is better after a nap

13.Life is better when you sleep in


14. …seriously, try it out


15. Life is better when you’re peeking over things


16. Life is better with friends

17. Seriously! Life is better with friends

18. And the more the merrier

19. Life is better when you know you’re meant to have fun


Love, Frenchies. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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About the author

Shauna Robinson

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