Astrology 101: A Brief Description Of Your Moon Sign

With Moon in Aries, you are more of a doer than a complainer who gets nothing done. You are driven, fiery, and your emotions may appear a little fickle, intense, and flighty as you might be impulsive as well.. One thing that gets under your skin are whiners who take no action or finding out…


Tim Marshall

Note* The Moon in our natal chart, represents how we deal with our emotions, emotional reactions, and can represent the energy of the mother. Along with the ruler of our 7th house, the Descendant, the Moon sign also helps to provide insight into the Sun sign of potential partners and friendships we are most comfortable with. The Moon sign in Astrology, is mostly aligned with feminine energy. The Moon sign shouldn’t be used to describe individuals as a whole. If you want a more in depth astrological reading, you should look to the entire birth chart for other planetary/asteroid positions and aspects.

Moon in Aries: With Moon in Aries, you are more of a doer than a complainer who gets nothing done. You are driven, fiery, and your emotions may appear a little fickle, intense, and flighty as you might be impulsive as well.. One thing that gets under your skin are whiners who take no action or finding out that you’ve been emotionally manipulated.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra.

Moon In Taurus:

You are a very patient person with those you love and care for and you place importance in all things that are exceptionally beautiful, particularly in people you deem attractive. You enjoy quality time with your partner and treasure security in relationships and the home life. You are emotionally tough as you allow yourself to feel your emotions but you’d rather not ponder on the negative ones. Even though, as a Moon in Taurus, you’re emotionally patient; once that patience runs out, you can become quite the motormouth with a fiery and intense temper to boot.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.

Moon in Gemini:

With Moon in Gemini, you can come off quite playful, moody, and inquisitive. Moon in Gemini may feel a little awkward with the emotions of others but most of the time, this is because they may not understand their own. You have a hint of uniqueness when it comes to expressing your inner emotions. You might begin to feel differently about something and you may know your reasons without voicing them. Keep in mind, though, that this might come across as having a mood swing, catching those in contact with you off guard.. and close friends and family could take this as being a flip-flopper.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

Moon in Cancer:

Moon in Cancer people can’t stand feeling lonely and they need lots of attention and affection from those they love or they may become depressed. Moon here makes one prioritize the family and the home. Sometimes, Cancer Moons can be ultra sensitive but don’t beat yourself up, as you can use your emotions as a gift to fuel creativity and formulate some powerful poetry and general writing.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo.

Moon in Leo:

With Moon in Leo, your emotions might feel intense, flighty, and appear dramatic, whether in private or displayed in public. You highly appreciate emotional honesty, practicality, and

you hate it when others dismiss, ignore or belittle your emotions. Contrary to most astrological articles concerning Leo Moons, most of the time, your displays of theatrics and dramatics has little do with seeking attention. As a Leo Moon, when emotions are displayed, publicly, you may come across as dramatic because that’s the way you truly feel. If you aren’t already, you may benefit by putting your emotions in forms of the arts such as performing, dancing, singing, writing, painting, or acting.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra.

Moon in Virgo:

Moon in Virgo people are conservative, helpful and keen. You are humanitarian like, blunt, and appreciate those around you and appreciate those who are the same. You may sound a bit tactless or come across as too practical while dealing with others’ feelings. If you care enough to do so, you may want to make it a habit to observe the way you say things to others as their feelings may be a bit more fragile than yours.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio.

Moon in Libra:

Just like Taurus, Moon in Libra people love and have senses for very beautiful things. With Moon here, you can be a bit of an intellectual, flirtatious, and harmonic. Because Moon in Libra hates conflict, they may struggle with confronting issues they have but especially with those with bolder personalities and/or tempers. Being around drama that pertains to Libra Moons may make them so uneasy that they may resort to telling white lies to get a temporary pass. Sometimes, a little conflict is impossible to avoid in order to get to the bottom of an issue. Be careful not to be so fearful of conflict that you begin to lie or deny your true feelings about a matter. As this is essential in order to attract the kind of people you want and need.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius.

Moon in Scorpio:

With your Moon placement in Scorpio, your emotions feel quite intense, powerful and transforming. This is thought to be the most intense placement for the Moon. Just like your fellow water signs, Pisces and Cancer, you can use your emotion to fuel a genius creativity, perhaps in writing, singing, or acting. Moon in Scorpios are emotionally honest, loyal, creative and intense. However, because of their emotional intensity, they may be prone to blowing up due to holding everything in until they start to boil over. You also may be prone to arrogance, paranoia, power struggles, and secrecy of sorts.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Scorpio, Cancer, or Pisces. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus.

Moon in Sagittarius:

With your Moon placement in Sagittarius, you may love travel, romance, philosophy and you have a lot of soul. Sagittarius Moons are those who believe in actions. They can be very emotionally sensitive and sometimes come off rude without meaning to because of their naturally bold nature. Moon in Sagittarius people coin the phrase, “Look but don’t touch.” They can admire beauty in anyone, whether in a relationship or not and you’d better not be jealous or try to tie them

down or they may be turned off. Moon in Sagittarius are happy when they’re flirting, chatting and are feeling free.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Sagittarius, Leo, or Aries. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini.

Moon in Capricorn:

With your Moon placement here, you are strong, firm, and geared towards resolving or repressing negative emotions, instead of complaining about your hardships and doing nothing about it. You have emotions but you’d rather not show them nor dwell and complain about them. People can always count on you to get things done. Because you don’t like to dwell on your own emotions, this may also extend to others’ emotions, as well. Although you may be tempted to tell someone to “Suck it up, buttercup,” you must remember that people are different from you. Learn to be a little more patient with others’ emotional woes and the way they express them. You appear emotionally strong.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.

Moon in Aquarius:

People born with Moon in Aquarius are innovative, intellectual, wise and can appear emotionally aloof at times. Individuals with the Moon here can appear unique, eccentric, and nothing makes them happier than having the freedom to be themselves. Aquarius Moons are happy seeing individuality in others, more than the average person. People with their Moon placement in Aquarius have the habit of analyzing not only their own emotions but also the emotions of others. For this reason, they can appear too logical, over analytical, and cold while dealing with others’ emotions. As a futuristic intellectual, be careful not to let yourself become so arrogant to the point of carrying a God complex; as this will come across to others as Narcissistic and vain. If you put your good traits to use, you can help bring change to society for the benefit of all or lead a revolution of a sort that speaks for the people.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Sagittarius, Leo, or Aries.

Moon in Pisces:

With your Moon placement in Pisces, your emotional intensity fuels you to have a great imagination. You are sensitive to others needs and hardships and are very talented and creative; particularly within the arts for emotional express. Moon in Pisces people can be very humanitarian like because they are highly empathetic. Because the Moon’s location is in a sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of spirituality, confusion, and imagination, Moon in Pisces people should be alert of self delusion, paranoia, and confusion. If you use this in a positive and productive way, you could become an amazing artist of any sort. You may be way more sensitive and fragile than what you come across as. However you can learn to release through the arts or learning a new skill that allows others a new perspective of what is truly going on inside.

A partner or a friend best suited for you is one who has their Sun sign in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. Secondary ideal partners are those who have their Sun sign in Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Shalena Moore

Her hope in writing is to provide newer and progressive perspectives to society.