Seema Kapoor

Coming Home…Or Something Like It

It’s been a good day, I learned a lot and my head is full of information and I’m trying to process everything. My boss is great, super jumpy and really happy to see everyone.

Being Sensitive Doesn’t Make You Weak

Being sensitive is not being weak. It is the part of being human that allows you to be in tune to your soul, gives you permission to follow your instinct and have faith in yourself even when the odds are stacked against you.

This Is How I Grieve

So when do you remember him? The time it takes for you to get from one breath to the next.

The Journey Towards Healing

I needed to fight against everything I saw and life was no longer something to be lived or experienced but to be battled, conquered, and won.

My Lost Connection

He told me he found someone else yesterday. He found someone that he truly enjoyed hanging out with and I wanted to die.

Date A Mad Girl

If you are lucky enough to come across a creature, you will be afraid.