Scott Muska

Articles by
Scott Muska
Some Questions I Would Like To Ask On A First Date
Getting to know someone in a borderline interview setting.
How To Have A Mostly Unsuccessful Love Life
It’s actually pretty easy if you follow some of these steps.
When The Magic Is Gone
One day you will wake up and feel different.
A Short List Of Things To Say Instead Of Ghosting Someone
We’ve all done it. But just send a text. It’s really not that hard.
How To (Finally) Have Sex With Your Best Friend
You’ll reason you would rather have her in your life as a friend than to not have her in your life at all.
When You Know They Are Fading
It dawns on you, or you finally admit what you’ve been thinking for a while, while you’re lying in bed that morning, that they’re doing a slow fade — slow enough that you can’t really call them out on it without their calling you overbearing or crazy.
Just Because Of All That
Love is not finite.
20 Hot Takes To Help You ‘Start A Dialogue’ At A Party
10. Global warming isn’t a real thing and you know what? Neither is love. We’re all just fooling ourselves.
15 Surefire Ways To Anger An Ex
Frank Sinatra famously said that the best revenge is massive success. I’ve always applied this idom to breakups.
25 Potential Reasons I’m Still Single (And Why You Might Be Too)
So now some people view it as curious that someone my age is single.
22 Signs You’re Getting OLD
Your metabolism and general energy levels are both beginning to turn on you.
30 Things I Seriously Just Can’t Even Right Now, Or, Like Ever
22. Sleep well with someone else in my bed. It just gets so hot and crowded, and then I get bothered.
20 Signs You Might Be A ‘Basic Bro’
You own at least one gingham patterned button-down shirt, probably from either J. Crew, Old Navy, or, your old mainstay, The Gap.
14 ‘How About We’ Date Ideas
How about we…
20 Questions I’d Like To Ask On A First Date
Why waste time? I’m 25. The internal clock is ticking. I don’t have time to sit through all that mundane banter.
25 Sex Tips Almost Guaranteed To Really Get Her Going
22. In perfect cadence with every thrust, whisper this in her ear: “You are so much better than my ex. You are so much better than my ex. You are so much better than my ex.”
11 ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Premises For The Modern Dating Scene
2. I sent your mom an OkCupid message re: how I felt compelled to contact her on account of both of us listing “bacon” as one of our six things we could not live without.
33 Text Messages You Should Not Send As A First-Date Follow-Up
16. I wish we were snuggling right now :/ :/ :/ :/