20 Little Reminders To Inspire You On Your Self-Discovery Journey

1. When I contribute to my own joy, I contribute to the joy of all.

2. I know my truth and I let that be enough.

3. The attachment to your pain is more painful than the pain itself.

4. If every flower waited for other flowers to bloom at the same time out of fear of outshining each other, we wouldn’t know summer.

5. Every rock bottom is an opportunity to build yourself again.

6. A seed does not sit and wonder about when it gets to be a tree, a flower, or a fruit. A seed only cares about being a seed.

7. My secret to a creative life is this: I always hug flowers, I always look at the sky, and I love myself over and over.

8. Trying to heal someone who is emotionally unavailable is an ego trap meant to give you some false sense of worthiness.

9. Wisdom comes from the ability to walk a fearful path while simultaneously being scared.

10. If you ask for love, prepare for heartbreaks. If you ask for stability, prepare for change. If you ask for peace, prepare for chaos.

11. You will not know light without the teaching of its shadow.

12. A pen is to a writer what a sword is to a samurai.

13. Meditation is the art of doing nothing while moving everything.

14. You don’t need to find yourself, you just need the courage to be yourself.

15. The journey back to self starts when you stop feeling guilty for being who you are.

16. To follow your dharma is to walk towards everything against you.

17. Knowledge is useless without awareness.

18. Embrace your vulnerability, your authenticity, and the courage it takes to feel both.

19. May your desire for the mountain view be as strong as your will to climb it.

20. A butterfly is a caterpillar who had the courage to die.

About the author

Sayeh Golchin

Poet. Healer. Alchemist.