I Will Not Accept A ‘Pussy Grabber’ Administration

via Flickr - Gage Skidmore
via Flickr – Gage Skidmore

What does being an American mean anymore? I used to think I know, but this election has made me reexamine a lot of what I thought I understood about this country, its people. Americans are from America, that part is obvious. However, if the election showed us anything, it’s that they all clearly want different things.

It is ironic that the diversity of opinion, culture, race, and ethnicity that brought America together is now once again front and center, tearing it a part. It seems half the nation is accepting and tolerant, and the other half may be too, but they might be too accepting and tolerant. I get made fun of, often, for being a part of the “tolerant left” when I speak up about an injustice.

“You intolerant piece of shit,” I have heard from Republicans, friends, family, and strangers alike.

But can you be too tolerant? Can we call it too tolerant to not only be okay with the KKK, a well-known hate group openly celebrating the election results? Can we call it too tolerant to openly celebrate with them? Is it tolerance or sexism that caused half of America to hear the sexual assault stories of several women and look the other way, voting for the accused?

Similarly, am I intolerant for my distaste for hate groups? I want them gone? I would like those people to leave. Yes, I am highly intolerant of racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny…sadly, so many things that were front and center throughout this election. Not only were they front and center, they were defended. We put the chance to lead the nation in the hands of a learning disabled, self-tan addict and defended his actions.

When he said he could grab women by the pussy, people defended him. Women defended him. Women demonized his accusers. When he made it clear he did not understand how the government worked, let alone had the vocabulary to speak to anybody who work in the government, we defended that too. As we learned he once called a pageant winner Miss Piggy due to her weight gain, some admitted she had put on weight, instead of pointing out perhaps that is what all people do, gain and lose weight. The weight was not the biggest issue. When he called her Miss Housekeeper based entirely on her race, nobody said a thing.

Well, not anybody. Some people spoke up. Many, in fact. And we were somehow demonized for being intolerant of a future leader, a great man, a man who was somehow being misunderstood despite his slew of accusations, trail of lawsuits, and failed attempts to run a successful business. We were at fault for pointing out his lack of common decency or concern toward all Americans, just the white and uneducated ones.

And even now as many of us continue to point out the various flaws, of which there are many, in his success, we are told to be quiet. We are asked to unify with those who accepted a ticket promoting conversion therapy for homosexuals. I was a ticket openly endorsed by the KKK. It was a ticket promising to cut off easy access to birth control and require mandatory funerals for miscarried and aborted babies despite the psychological damage it may due to the individual mother or woman.

I have had an abortion. I am not a mother. I did not want to bury the tissue nor did I see the point. Had I had it my way, it would have been donated for stem cell research. This, I am sure, will not be an option for a very long time under a Pussy Grabber administration. And I am sure as I call him that I will be labeled intolerant once more. An extreme feminist, or a baby killer. Who knows what they will call me or us this time. I do not care. What I care about is the underlying and systemic hatred in the country that I was naively blind to until the former host of the fucking Apprentice won the presidential election.

A man who ran a fraudulent university stood before us all, saying the words “education” and “bigly,” making it sound as though it would be better in the future if we let him control the nation. He had children with three wives, stating wildly inappropriate sexual things about his daughter while claiming to have solid christian values. This is the person 50% of America looked to for leadership. He laughed smugly as Don King used the N word in a black church, while an African American woman grimaced nearby.

Yet I am the asshole for bringing these things up, for being ashamed that he has won, for admitting the last two years were not an election but a Jerry Springer show. And I still don’t know why. What I do know is I am ready to turn to those who reject hate and violence with a hug and kindness in an effort to move forward, looking past this presidency to the light at the end of the tunnel. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sarah R. Hughes

Dog snuggler, boyfriend lover, patch wearer. Also wannabe writer.

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