Asking For A Designer Bag For Christmas? You Might Want To Read This First.

“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.” – Henry David Thoreau

Photo by Craig Maltby
Photo by Craig Maltby

Have you ever asked for a designer bag for Christmas? Ever wonder how many days/hours your boyfriend has to work in order to buy you this overrated leather luxury item?
I took a classic Louis Vuitton Tote bag with a retail value of $1,260 and calculated how long your boyfriend would have to work in order to buy you the purse based on his job/salary.
The day counts listed below are based off of each professions median salary (as listed on US News 100 Best Careers list) and by using a standard 8-hour workday with weekends off.

  • Pharmacist – 3 days
  • Doctor – 2 days
  • Computer Programmer – 4 ½ days
  • Maintenance Worker – 9 days
  • Counselor – 8 ½ days
  • Accountant – 5 days
  • Teacher – 6 ½ days
  • Social Worker – 6 ½ days
  • Lawyer – 3 days
  • Exterminator – 11 days
  • Insurance Agent – 5 days
  • Taxi Driver – 14 days
  • Sales Rep – 6 days
  • Real Estate Agent – 8 days
  • Architect – 8 days
  • Plumber – 7 days
  • Auto Mechanic – 10 days

So maybe this year, you should skip the purse and ask your boyfriend to take a few days off of work to spend time with you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sarah Miller

A strong, healthy, financially independent 28-year-old woman. Learn more about her on her website.

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