5 Ways To Get Over The Person You’re Unhealthily Obsessing Over

Photo provided by Sarah Miller
Photo provided by Sarah Miller

1. Find out hobbies they like to do that you hate to do

Hunting? Watching football every weekend? Playing 18 holes of golf? Goes to church every Sunday? All deal breakers. Obsession defeated.

2. Don’t focus on the 99% of hotness; focus on the 1% of ugliness

So you think they are so perfect, everything about them makes you weak in the knees? Step away from their Facebook page. You’re blinded by obsession and you need reinforcement, quick. I recommend sitting down with a few of your best friends because if you can’t see why they suck, I guarantee they can.

3. Find out if they have any weird medical conditions (or if any run in their family)

Does he have a schizophrenic uncle or an alcoholic father? You don’t want to be passing those genes along to your fictitious children (no matter how cute those computer generated images of them are).

4. Find pictures of unattractive people they’ve dated and/or slept with

This proves that they clearly have low standards and you don’t want to be associated with that.

5. Better yourself: Step out of his league and into a higher one

If you focus on self-improvement, you’ll start to open doors and behind those doors are better, more successful, more attractive people to unhealthily obsess over. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sarah Miller

A strong, healthy, financially independent 28-year-old woman. Learn more about her on her website.

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