God’s Love For Us Knows No End

Long Thiên
Long Thiên

It is hard to sense God’s presence at times. Although He is always there, we often lose sight of Him. We sense God when things are going well: when we get the job, when we get into the school we want, when the person we love wants to be with us. In those times of plenty, we feel His love, we feel His presence. Our faith is not tested in such times; we are comfortable, we are happy.

We’ve all experienced such moments, and how nice would it be if life was entirely made up of peaks. We do not want to find ourselves in a valley. We do not want to endure the pain of a broken relationship, the passing of a loved one, of an uncertain future.

It is ironic how in times when we need God the most are those times when we feel that He is most silent.

Faith is so easily tested, our view of God is so dependent on our circumstances. Yet despite our shortcomings, His love for us remains. The reality of His presence is not altered because we are walking in a storm.

St. Augustine wrote, “In my deepest wound, I saw Your Glory and it dazzled me.” This quote is so profound.

It reminds us that God’s glory is not in any way diminished by the trials we are going through. His unwavering love for us is revealed in so many ways. In His blessings, but also in the strength He gives us to see our hardships through. Although difficult, we need to not lose sight of Him when we face trying times.

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13

And what a comfort it is to know that even in our hardest moments, God is with us, gently sustaining us.

Even when we walk through the darkest valley, we need not be afraid, for He is with us.

God can work wonders in our soul; He is not limited by our hardships. He will not turn away when we stumble, when we doubt in our strength, when we question His love for us.

As David writes in Psalm 43, “Why are you so full of heaviness oh my soul, and why are you so disquieted within me? Put your trust in God, for I will yet give thanks to Him who is the help of my countenance and my God.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sarah Ghabrial

I’m a swing dancing psychology student. I love music, travel and food. Currently attempting to master the saxophone!

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