Amidst Pain and Failure, I Hope You Find Courage

I hope you find the courage to leave behind all the pain and suffering yesterday has brought you. All those difficulties are not placed there randomly but are allowed by God to mold you, to shape you, and to bring out the best in you. And as you face a new day with a new set of challenges and hardships, may you gain strength in knowing that God is always there to embrace you and accept you every time you fail and every time you fall.

I hope you find the courage to see beyond hardships and trials and discover abundance and overflowing measures of happiness and love—a love that lasts. A love that transcends time and endures all difficulties. The kind of love that is strengthened by time and tested through hardship. A love that never counts mistakes but endlessly accepts your flaws. I wish blessings upon blessings be poured into your life so that in turn you will bless others and become a channel of God’s blessings. And when success hits you, be humble. Be humble in times of abundance. And be patient in times of nothingness. Always be mindful that blessings and breakthroughs happen after you victoriously overcome trials and troubles.

Trust the process and believe that every failure brought about by a wrong decision or a mistake in the past is honing you to be better, bolder, and stronger in order to face bigger responsibilities and a huge amount of blessings.

I hope you find the courage to open your heart, your soul, and your mind to changes after everything that you have lost—new loves, new adventures, new challenges. Never let the pain of this world harden your heart and hinder you from loving others and yourself. You are made to love and to be loved. Remember that. Never let past failures and previous mistakes stop you from trying again. A failure is not an ending but a pit stop to refuel, recharge, and recalibrate your directions. Never let your past mistakes and wrong choices define who you are and who you want to be. Instead, learn from those mistakes and bounce back higher this time, proving those judgmental people that you’re not done yet.

I hope you find the courage to never give up on that one dream you hold the closest. Keep it fuelled in your heart and never let its fire die down. May your spirit be renewed and your soul be invigorated to never give up on your dreams, to push to higher limits, and to continue to believe in God and in life, that great things happen in His perfect time. At times you will feel lost and stuck, as if you’re going in circles. Enjoy this season of waiting. The saying “patience is a virtue” is proven timeless. It always applies, whether you’re waiting for your food to be served or waiting for your miracle to happen.

Trust God’s timing at all times.

And above all, I hope you take it slow in life and in love.

Never hurry, for life’s success is not measured by how fast you get from Point A to Point B. In fact, there is no exact measure of success. Most of the time, attitude and character matter more than wealth and achievements. Besides, each of us has our own pace. Take each step at your own pace and time, not minding whether your friends get ahead of you. You will get there too. Enjoy the ride and take everything you can get out of it. Learn to see the beauty of the journey and not just the destination. Enjoy the ride. Savour each rise and fall, and always keep yourself grounded.

Be humble in success.

Be patient while you wait.

Be dauntless in every step.

I hope the pain in this world is not a limiting factor. Instead, make it your leverage. Gain strength through it. Find success in every failure. Discover beauty in every tear. And never be afraid to try again. To love again. To feel again. To live again. And in each new day, I hope you find the courage as you face new beginnings and regain new hopes.

Stay in love. Stay in God’s love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Sarah Dawn Pantalita

Christian who is striving to follow the footsteps of Christ…