Sarah Cae

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Articles by
Sarah Cae

I Sleep In The Middle Of The Bed Now

Some nights, I don’t even sleep in my own bed in an attempt to find someone else who will kiss me goodnight. And they kiss me, but it’s never for a good night.

You Don’t Deserve A Sometimes Kind Of Love

When I look at you, I don’t see a girl who’s broken and bruised. I see a girl so immensely incredible and strong, with a future so bright – because you’ve fought and lost but you know your life is more than just this one fight.

This Is How You’ll Survive After Letting Him Go

For a while, every little thing will remind you of him. The funny slogan on that tee shirt, a water bottle, the smell of coffee, even the sunshine. You can’t say goodbye to someone that lives on in everything he’s ever touched.

This Is What Happens When You’re The One Who Loves More

You will see it in the way he places you second while he’s your first. You will see it in the way he hears you but he listens to other people. You will see it in the way he’s excited to see you but you’re ecstatic to see him.

I Hope You Still Think Of Me

I hope you are well, and that you’ve found someone to love, who loves you more. I hope she treats you well. I hope you’ve found that peace you were searching for.

This Is What Love Is

Love is not understanding what you’re feeling because there isn’t a word in the English language to describe what you feel.