Sarah Bricker
Gives good advice, fails for myself. Cares too much. Is too much.
Articles by Sarah Bricker
When You Start To Doubt Yourself, Do This
The doubts can grow if left unchecked, and when they do, we can lose sight of some of the greatest people, places, and opportunities in life. So what we do?
I Don’t Regret Loving You More Than I Should Have
You taught me that everyone can teach us something, both in loving us and in hurting us.
Why I Sent You Those Last Words
I knew they were the right words because they were true.
Every Second Of Every Day, Choose To Show The World The Authentic You
It’s the hardest thing sometimes, to do what you feel is true to yourself. To say, to take action, to make the choice that feels right, even when those around you say it’s wrong.
20 Things To Let Go Of Before 2020
Leave the negative memories of your love life in the past where they belong. Bring only the positive memories and lessons you learned.
18 Reasons Why Calling Someone Out Can Actually Be A Good Thing
It shows you know your worth, your value and that nobody gets to degrade you.
Read This When You’re Working On Being The Best Version Of Yourself
I’ve come to observe and learn from my own experiences that there are four universal truths one has to accept first.
How Anxiety Ruined All Of My Relationships
Since recognizing my anxiety and how it’s impacted my life this year alone, it’s become a hard truth to swallow that it’s not simply erased. I will have to fight it sometimes.