Sara Laila

Articles by
Sara Laila

This Is What They Don’t Tell You About Chronic Illness

They don’t tell you that strength is fleeting. They don’t warn you about how lonely it gets. They don’t tell you how badly you will want someone, anyone to just hold your hand while you’re being poked and prodded.

My Hijab Feels As Heavy As My Heart

My Hijab feels as heavy as my heart. The symbol that lets others know who I am and what I believe in is starting to scare me. I am scared that I might be targeted for a hate crime because of my religion.

Stay True To Who You Are

Instead of being the girl they wanted me to be, I became the girl I wanted to be. I learned to be independent and rely on myself. I learned to cater to my own needs and build and mold myself the way I have always dreamed.

Ask Me About My Hijab

For some reason, people find girls that wear the Hijab to be unapproachable and standoffish. I do not understand where this thought comes from and it makes me very sad.