Samira Behrouzan
California native who lives to create, travel, and explore.
Articles by
Samira Behrouzan
4 Ways Adopting Gratitude As A Permanent Attitude Can Change Your Life
Thankfulness creates a life of fullness.
To All The Girls Who Think Makeup Defines Their Beauty
Every pore on your skin, the shape of your cheekbones, the length of your lashes and the way your lip curls when you smile are unique to you and only you; and are ultimately the things that make you beautiful.
Have We Completely Forgotten How To Love?
We’re so afraid of getting hurt, so scared of being labeled emotional, or kind because we’re too busy focused on appearing chill that we have programmed ourselves to feel nothing and above all turn off every instinct to love.
Why You Should Be Grateful For The Ex Who Broke Your Heart
Understand that they broke you so that you could be better, so that you could do better, and so that you could find better.
Hate Is The Root Of The World’s Evil, And We Must Do Our Part To Eliminate It (For Good)
We come together after tragedies when we should be proactive and do our job in preventing them.
25 Subtle Signs That You’re Falling In Love
The urge to bite their face and kiss their cheek every time they make a smart ass comment or
Why Modern Day Communication F#cking Sucks
We can shoot a text with no real substance behind it. We can make love. We can express emotions. We can even talk shit; yet when it comes to communicating with our significant other, friends, or family about important issues that concern them or ourselves we get stuck.
Why Going Out To The Bars Is Nothing Short Of A Real-Life Episode Of Game Of Thrones
The next time you are sad over the fact that you can not be a real life character in Game of Thrones, do me a favor step into your favorite local bar and take a moment to observe, reassess, and appreciate your lovely and existing presence in the known world.
If You’re A Disney Kid, Here’s How The Cinderella Story Secretly Did You Dirty
Here I am: a millennial, young adult who, thanks to society, has been taught that beauty alongside wealth is of utmost importance.
There Is No Right Time, Just Your Own Time When It Comes To Finding True Love
Silence the clock and learn to be alone. For learning to be alone builds a tremendous amount of character and even though from a young age we are taught that time is of the essence, there is so much time and so much about yourself that you have yet to discover.
Why Dating And Maintaining A Relationship In 2K16 Is Actually F#*cking Hard
The reason why your relationships new and old are failing is because your expectations are unrealistic and instead of growing with a potential partner you instead nix them before they even have a chance to reach their full potential.