Samir Nazim

Articles by
Samir Nazim

You Were Not Born To Love Someone

We are all incompatible, but it is the work of love to make us graciously accommodate to each others incompatibility’s and imperfections.

It’s Time To Put Social Media On A Diet

The internet has become oversaturated with cheap and convenient content, and without a filter, users can adapt with an unhealthy appetite for poor media consumption. We sacrifice our most prized asset, time and attention, to maintain social media relationships that otherwise provide no benefit to us.

What My Father Taught Me About Heartbreak 

Reinvent Heartbreak: The emotion you feel is a case study to analyze yourself under intense heartbreak. Take a look at who you are after love has back-stabbed you. Use this as a guide to understand oneself – and everyone else around you.

4 Things I Learned About Passion

If you aren’t confused, then you aren’t keeping up. Majority of us are confused, and that’s good. Doubting and questioning is the beginning of the learning process.