
20 Kim Kardashian Quotes About Love That Perfectly Describe Modern Dating

It's fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.



1. “I think I’ll always be a hopeless romantic. I believe in love and the dream of having a perfect relationship, but my idea of it has changed. I think I need to not live in a fairy tale like that. I think I maybe need to just snap out of it and be a little more realistic.”

2. “I think you have different soul mates throughout your life, that your soul needs different things at different times. I do believe in love. I will always believe in love, but my idea has changed from what I’ve always thought.”

3. “I used to be so dependent on the guys I was in a relationship with. I don’t know why, because I wasn’t raised that way. If I looked at myself at 19, I would shake myself and be like, Wake up; you are way too smart for this.”

4. “I saw fast marriages like Khloe and Lamar’s and that was what seemed to work. [Now] I say give it a good six months before you commit. Feelings change, even if it seems so lustful.”

5. “It’s very comforting to have someone that knows everything about you, that respects you, understands, has gone through the similar things.”

6. “The perfect date for me would be staying at home, making a big picnic in bed, eating Wotsits and cookies while watching cable TV.”

7. “Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would. But that’s OK.”

8. “My decision to end my marriage was such a risk to lose ratings and lose my fan base. I had to take that risk for my inner peace and to be happy with myself.”

9. “It’s fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.”

10. “I have to be in a relationship in order to be intimate. I’m not the one-night-stand kind of girl. Despite the rumors.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark