Thought Catalog Books

The Thought Catalog Book You Should Read, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius: From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World.


Somewhere On A Highway by Marisa Donnelly


(March 21st to April 19th)

Sometimes you’re moving forward. Sometimes you’re running in place. Sometimes you’re sprinting 90 miles an hour in what feels like the wrong direction. Sometimes you’re stuck. Sometimes you’re driving with the road spanning out in front of you in all its endless wonder, and you’re at a loss of where you’re really going. Sometimes you just close your eyes and trust.

Marisa Donnelly’s first collection of poetry, Somewhere On A Highway, takes you on a journey of questioning, of experience, of growth, and of discovery, mixed with loss and love and the challenges of becoming.

She writes openly, honestly, and fearlessly about heartbreak, faith, leaving home, growing up, losing yourself, and finding yourself in the wake of change. This collection will hurt you, heal you, challenge you and remind you what a gift it is to be human.

Somewhere On A Highway is available here.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Seeds Planted In Concrete by Bianca Sparacino

Through illustration and poetry, Seeds Planted In Concrete is Bianca Sparacino’s raw testament to the beauty that is found within the contrasts of life. By writing truthfully about the intricacies of both love and loss, Sparacino’s first collection of work is one that will speak to the very depths of those who read it, inspiring a will to love, and live. This collection is a manifesto of the journey every human being takes throughout their life; an assembly of words that celebrates the resilience of the human heart through stages of hurting, feeling, healing and loving.

Seeds Planted in Concrete is available here.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

The First New Universe by Heidi Priebe

Heidi Priebe’s first poetry collection, “The First New Universe,” offers an incredibly raw and deeply personal look at the poet’s experiences with first love, first loss and the redemption that can be found inside of each.

Exploring themes of infatuation and disillusionment, betrayal and forgiveness, regret and acceptance and our endless potential for rebirth, Priebe’s work shamelessly exposes what it means to be young and in love—at its ugliest and most heartbreaking, as well as at its bravest and most healing.

The First New Universe is available here.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

All The Words I Should’ve Said by Rania Naim

Rania Naim’s All The Words I Should Have Said is a beautiful, limited edition paperback book that poetically explores the thrills of love, the highs and lows of life, and the challenges of new beginnings.

All The Words I Should Have Said is available here.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Love, Floppy Disks And Other Stuff The Internet Killed by Natalie Shields

Combining anecdotes from her own childhood with the voices of male and female rappers, anonymous posts on confessional apps like Yik Yak, Secret, Whisper, and demographic data regarding what’s wrong with millennials, Natalie Shields composes a portrait of a generation that feels a lot but doesn’t know what to do with these feelings.

Shields, born in Seattle in 1993, belongs to a generation of young adults who grew up in tandem with the Internet. Millennials—conditioned participants in virtual romance, fantasy computer game worlds, and robot companions—are supposed to be overstimulated, hypermediated, and unable to connect.

For them, is love—like the floppy disk—a symbol of something now defunct? Is love now a cipher—something that used to exist but has become pure abstraction? Or is it actually the opposite? Is the idea of love so omnipresent in millennials’ cultural discourse that they have monumentalized it? What is it about love that the Internet killed?

Love, Floppy Disks & Other Stuff the Internet Killed is available here.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

100 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

Over the past few years, Brianna Wiest has gained renown for her deeply moving, philosophical writing. This new compilation of her published work features pieces on why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think is available here.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Bloodline by Ari Eastman

In her third poetry collection, Ari Eastman takes us through a very personal journey of growing up, loss, love, and surviving it all. This book is a must read for anyone who has experienced tremendous grief. Eastman has put together a book that not only exposes the bruises so many of us face, but also one that kisses those same sore spots. Heartbreaking, brutally honest, and surprisingly hopeful, “Bloodline” is a collection that will stay with you long after reading.

Bloodline is available here.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

The Heart Is The Center Of The Universe by Laura Livia Grigore

This is a book about love, and the desire to find inner peace. Poetically written, Grigore’s words will get under your skin and make their way straight to your heart, triggering and describing a full palette of emotions that all of us have experienced. It is a book about break ups and departures, love that resembles obsession and that deep, transformative power of true love. Spiced up with powerful psychological insights of erotica, it will make you dream and dance to your own rhythm, wishing your loneliness away. We are never really alone, and at the end of this journey which includes stories and poems, you will find your personal warmth intact and a promise for inner peace. The Heart is the Center of the Universe is a colorful and emotional book that highlights the tremendous healing power of art and honesty. Listen to your true inner voice and love will come. Again and again.

The Heart Is The Center Of The Universe is available here.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World by Gloria Atanmo

From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World chronicles the life of a girl who grew up with a colorful imagination but not nearly enough funds to support it. The book is broken up into four parts: The Dream, The Journey, The Adventure, and The Destination. Each details the struggles, victories, and natural consequences of life when you put yourself out there and find the universe will often reciprocate your boldness. This book will take you on a vicarious adventure and have you rethinking the life you thought you wanted and replacing it with one that’s much more fulfilling as you rediscover your purpose in life through the journey of a girl rediscovering hers.

From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World is available here.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

But Before You Leave By Kirsten Corley

We all have experiences we struggle to put into words. Whether that be heartbreak, loss, mourning, or internal battles, it’s a common theme among all of us as humans. Whether or not you have the ability to understand and put into words, what it is you’re going through, this book does that for you. It gives you strength on your worst days, understanding on your weakest days and reminds you more than anything, to keep going.

But Before You Leave is available here.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Somewhere In Nostalgia by Drew Wilson
Drew Wilsons’s poetic photobook Somewhere in Nostalgia takes you in a dreamy world of intimacy, raw words and unconquered nature.

“i never intended to write. i never considered myself a writer, or even much of an artist at that. please don’t dive into this book with the thoughts of where the inspiration came from, who the story may be about, or if the sadness is real. do yourself a favor and try hard not to think too hard as you thumb through these pages. do yourself a favor and read this with nothing in mind except yourself. because this is for you. these stories have become your own. these photos and writing are in no way attempting to tell a story. they’re simply just there to shed light upon the shadows of our minds. to speak the words some of us are too afraid to speak.” – Drew Wilson

 Somewhere In Nostalgia is available here.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Your Soul Is A River by Nikita Gill

This is a book about the journey of healing from trauma and becoming whole again.

Directions: apply to your soul gently, whilst sitting under the stars.

Your Soul Is A River is available hereThought Catalog Logo Mark