Samantha de Ruiter
Avid reader & red lipstick enthusiast.
Articles by
Samantha de Ruiter
6 Reasons Being An Adult In 2016 Will Totally Suck
You’re an adult now and your mother isn’t around to clean up after you. You’re late for work because you don’t live at home anymore and there’s no one to shovel the driveway for you. You run out of water mid-shower because you still haven’t paid that water bill. WHY DON’T BILLS JUST PAY THEMSELVES?
10 Extremely Difficult Things That Happen When You’re In a Long-Distance Relationship
Is it Day X yet? You’ve been counting down till the next time you can see them from the moment you’ve last said goodbye. No matter how long it is till the next time, you know the exact number of months, weeks, and days until you two can be reunited again.
9 Men Reveal Why They’re Monogamous
“I don’t have interest in anyone else so I’m okay with it.”
7 Ways To Make Your Relationship Last
Once you’ve successfully completed these steps, your relationship will be stronger than ever. There won’t be anything the two of you can’t get through.
7 Ways To Maintain Some Of Your Sanity After A Breakup
Whether you saw it coming or not, breaking up with someone is hard – especially if you’re on the receiving end of things.
Finding The Perfect Pair Of Shoes Is Like Finding The Perfect Man
…It’s a learning experience and it will open your eyes as to what you should look for next time…
How To Date A High-Maintenance Woman
You’ve got a show stopper on your arm, you should be grateful.
7 Dating Deal Breakers
7. The awkward goodnight kiss.