I Hope With Her You’re Better

Camila Cordeiro
Camila Cordeiro

Whoever you choose to love, whoever ends up being the person you always think about. 
Whoever you may fight for, whoever you are willing to give anything.
Whoever will be your first good morning, whoever will be your last goodnight.

I hope you’re happy. 
I hope you do find the true magic of love; even though you told me that sometimes, you don’t think it’s true. 
I hope you continue to keep that overwhelming smile on your face. Darling, I’d kill to see it once again.
I hope you never stop sharing happiness to anyone around you, because you get a huge one on yourself.

With the company of her as a partner, I hope you improve yourself to be better. 

I hope you learn how to control your ego and let it shut sometimes.

I hope you learn that selfless is needed once a while.
 I hope, with the existence of love you now know, you learn to be brave. You learn how to be reckless. You learn how to enjoy life on the edge, without feeling scared to fall apart.
That’s what’s love will teach you, right?

Most importantly, I hope you learn to let go. That is the most hurtful part anyone will ever have to go through. And when this time is around, I want you to be strong.

I hope with the sight smile of her, you can think positively and get through your day. 
I hope with the mesmerizing eyes of her, you can remind yourself about the magical spaces out there.

I hope with the sound of her laugh, you can take a step back and realize how actually grateful you are. 
I hope with her, you can see the beauty of our lives.

And, please, for the sake of God, please. I beg you. Be happy. With yourself. For yourself.

Be happy with her. Hold on to her and love bravely. 
The universe sets for what we deserve. And I know you aim for more.

If you don’t realize it yet; this is my open letter for you. I’ll learn how to deal with you and the past of us. I promise. You may think I’m exaggerating things, but nope. This is what I truly feel about you. I fully know that it is- God damn, I just want you to be happy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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