Sade Andria Zabala

Articles by
Sade Andria Zabala

How You’ll Die In A Horror Movie, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: You’ll die because you piss off the killer. Even when you’re probably scared as f*ck deep inside, your egotism will get the best of you. You’ll try to prove to your friends (and the audience) that you’re brave, so you taunt the killer.

Screw Taylor Swift’s Self-Serving Feminism

Now, let’s talk about the ridiculousness of her diss track. It’s called “Look What You Made Me Do”. Umm… you literally did this to yourself, Taylor???? As a rich adult white girl who only got her foot in Hollywood’s door because of her rich white parents, nobody forced you to do anything.

Your Game Of Thrones Character, Based On Your Zodiac

Aquarius: It’s quite strange to pair fire-loving Lady Melisandre with an Air sign, but this is exactly where her personality fits. Unconventional, self-sufficient, and emotionally closed off, Melisandre and Aquarius will fight to the death for a cause they believe in.