Saba May
Self-discovery & psychology. Read my current writing @
Life Is Waiting For You To Live It
The truth is that life is waiting for you.
Here’s How Instagram Is Killing Our Art
When audiences can no longer be bothered to invest their undivided attention into the world of one winding book, or to contemplate the spectrum of colors in a single painting, or to listen to an entire symphony instead of a soggy snippet, what will become of our uniquely human capacity to appreciate art?
The Beauty Of Taking Life Lightly
So many of us fall into the trap of taking life seriously.
This Is How A Woman Chooses Herself Over Love
A new vision has overtaken you, one that does not include romance. And now you are you, always you, and you have no desire to be anyone but who you are.
3 Steps To Dealing With A Mental Health Relapse
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. But what happens to the weak? (Asking for a friend).
Here’s How To Stay Positive In The Midst Of A Pandemic
Maybe, just maybe, there is a positive side to this pandemic.
5 Ways To Bolster Your Meditative Practice
While there is no ultimate “goal” of meditation apart from being entirely where you are right now, there is no denying that a stronger practice leads to better results.
Here’s How Meditation Actually Works
Meditation psychologically cleanses the mind. It’s like entering a room that you’ve been living in that you have never cleaned your entire life.
Dare To Live A Passionate Life Without Regret
The only way to live a life without regrets is to live the full expression of what is inside of you.
How To Find Stillness By Embracing Your Struggles
Although I am an unwavering proponent of meditation, there are several paths to stillness.
How Your Pain Can Actually Help You Reach A Higher Level Of Awareness
Don’t give emotions more power than they have—they are meant to navigate you towards your best life, not condemn you to a life of misery.
Even My Everything Would Never Be Enough
In another life, I would have given you everything
When The Sun Goes Down, I Think About You
I worry about you at night. I worry that one day, you will succumb to the lies of your mind. I worry that you will vanish from this world and that I will never know.
Enlightenment For Bitches: How To Achieve Inner Peace While Keeping Your Attitude
Sometimes you don’t want to be enlightened. Sometimes, you want to enjoy the simple pleasure of hating your ex, or cursing the person who cut you off, or finally admitting that you don’t care to see photos of your coworker’s fat cat.
How To Know When It’s Time To Level Up In Your Life
Are you really going to choose to be less than what you are capable of being?
Believe It Or Not, Happiness Isn’t What You’re Truly Looking For
We have endless opportunities to be injected with happiness, but somehow we can enjoy ourselves and still miserable. Have you felt this paradox?
This Summer, Leave Beauty Behind
I hope you choose to leave beauty behind.
If You Want A Happy Relationship, You Have To Put In The Effort
You have to decide if the love, richness, and depth of a committed relationship merits the full spectrum of effort and humanness involved.