woman holding glass
Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

I Just Wanted You To Know I Still Love You

Even on the days when I don’t want to love you, I do. Even when I’m screaming at the stars, telling whoever is up there to take away this feeling, it never goes away.


In all the years since we’ve met, we’ve seen everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. I’ve seen you at your very worst and still think of you as the absolute best. Watching you in your most vulnerable state was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I just want you to know that I still have love for you. I need you to know that nothing you’ve ever said or done could make me love you any less. Because I know you; I know how weak you feel. I know how you don’t feel deserving of any love, and that’s just not true.

You’re scared to receive the love you deserve, and you’re scared to give it away. It’s a shame, because I’ve seen the love you’re capable of. I’m not even sure how a heart as big as yours is humanly possible. And yet you hide it from the world. You run from it.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to run. You don’t have to be ashamed of it. You are the easiest person to love. You are so charming and charismatic, people can’t help but to love you. You’re surrounded by it, yet you remain blind to it.

I’m starting to think my life‘s purpose, the literal reason for my existence, is to show you how loved you are. Sure, there are things I’m good at, but the thing I’m best at is loving you. If there were Olympics for intensity of love, I know I’d win by a landslide.

Yes, I know we were toxic for each other. I know we didn’t try hard enough to make it work, or maybe we tried too hard. Maybe it’s not supposed to be this difficult. Maybe two people aren’t supposed to compromise who they are for love. But when you have a love as intense as ours, you’re willing to do anything for it. You’re willing to sacrifice everything to keep the one person who made it all seem worth it.

Even on the days when I don’t want to love you, I do. Even when I’m screaming at the stars, telling whoever is up there to take away this feeling, it never goes away, it never even dims. This is the love I’ve waited my entire life for. The love I’ll never be rid of. This is the love I’ll die with.

I’m not asking you to come back, I’m just telling you I would, if you asked. And I just want you to know I still love you.