The Different Kinds Of Pictures You Can Take Of Yourself On Photo Booth
This is the "I'm too high to even be on Photo Booth. What the hell am I doing? Oh my god, I'm so hungry and high. Hates it. This camera is cool though. Makes me feel more high. Wait, what?" picture. Bonus points for wearing tie dye because then you can call yourself a stoner…
Call me a narcissist but I feel no shame in having 1,600 photos on my Mac Photo Booth. In fact, I’ve liked taking pictures of myself ever since I was little. I even had a webcam installed in my computer between the ages of fifteen to seventeen (I would show you those pictures but then I would have to go away and just…die.) so my friends and I could have photo shoots when we were bored after school and had run out of Dawson’s Creek episodes to watch. I don’t take photos of myself because I think I’m hot. On the contrary, I usually turn to the camera when I’m feeling like a gargoyle. Everyone who has grown up with an internet connection knows that you can look like crap run over twice but by using the right angles/facial expressions, you have the ability to become a teen dream. There are so may babes on the internet who actually look terrifying in real life. I mean, if you can’t be a babe online, you must have serious probs.
Let’s take a look now at some of the different kinds of pictures you can take of yourself on Photo Booth. Some of them are cute, some of them are cringeworthy, and some of them are just really #dark. Don’t worry though, I’ll reveal the thought processes behind all of them! I have a feeling that I’m not only one who spends hours attempting to take a good default picture.
This is the “Just hangin’ at home and being wacky!” picture. Please note the orange wristband I’m wearing because it indicates that I have a life and go places. That was basically the point of taking this photo. That, and to show off my brand new shirt!!!!
You know when you take a picture of yourself that doesn’t really look like you but you decide that you’re really hot in it so you make it your default picture anyway? That’s this picture for me. A small part of your self-esteem dies, however, when your friends comment with things like, “Whoa, where did this hottie come from?!” and you realize that you’re officially Laney Boggs from She’s All That.
This is the “Oh no, I’m injured!” picture. It’s important to look “over it” and not respond to the comments of “OMG, what happened?” You want to preserve a sense of mystery!
This is the “Ew, I’m having a breakout” picture. I am pretty sure I’m the only person who takes this and puts it on the internet though.
This is the “OMG, I’m using weird effects on Photo Booth and it’s crazy, LOL” photo. Any way in which you can make yourself look morbidly obese is a favorite.
This is the “I’m too high to even be on Photo Booth. What the hell am I doing? Oh my god, I’m so hungry and high. Hates it. This camera is cool though. Makes me feel more high. Wait, what?” picture. Bonus points for wearing tie dye because then you can call yourself a stoner freak in the caption.
There are so many more. Expect a part two.