Roxanne Earley

10 Terrible Ways Women Experience Violence On The Internet

I get bullied and harassed on the street, but when I raise my voice to my aggressors to demand that I be treated as a human being rather than a piece of meat I am told to ‘grow up, stop being rude, learn how to be nice, damn bitch.’

6 Adult Children Of Divorce Share What They’ve Learned Along The Way

As adults, our parents never sit us down and reassure us that they love us even though they are getting a divorce, and we don’t necessarily want them to. It’s not about being coddled or protected by our parents anymore; for us it is about finding a sense of stability and normalcy that allows us to move forward.

10 Women Reveal What It’s Like To Experience ‘Mansplaining’

One of my contributions focused on sexism in academia, particularly the way in which distinguished women academics face increased scrutiny of their appearance. On multiple occasions not only my colleagues, but my students have felt it appropriate to discuss how I look. The entitlement that men feel to comment on my appearance goes beyond the pale of simple “compliments”.

How Public Is Your Park?

Calvert Vaux and Fredrick Law Olmstead designed Central Park to be a space where the tenets of Democracy — tolerance and diversity — would be translated into the physical world through trees and soil.