This Is Why I Need Feminism

I need Feminism because people think I am conscious of my diet and have a strict workout regime in the hopes of finding a boyfriend.



I need Feminism so that aunties I meet during functions will stop commenting on how ‘I have lost weight’, ‘become slim’ or ‘maintained my weight over the years’ and could instead ask me about my non-material pursuits.

I need Feminism because my relatives are constantly asking when I plan on getting married.

I need Feminism because I am expected to adopt my husband’s surname after marriage (with the presumption that I will get married).

I need Feminism because I do not want to be honked at by truck drivers when I go for my outdoor daily runs.

I need Feminism because men of my age still make remarks such as “girls are full of drama”.

I need Feminism because I am sick of being told to be more “lady like” and be less “aggressive”.

I need Feminism because people think I am conscious of my diet and have a strict workout regime in the hopes of
finding a boyfriend.

I need Feminism because my employer and his male counterparts make sexist remarks and discount them as “harmless

I need Feminism so that my employer doesn’t mock me for taking work leave when I am having menstrual cramps.

I need Feminism because being called a ‘bitch’, ‘misandrist’ or ‘man-hater’ simply for being outspoken about female causes is unacceptable.

I need Feminism because people judge me for volunteering at Aware (the biggest women’s organization in Singapore) and supporting their activist causes.

I need Feminism because other travelers are shocked to meet an Indian girl travelling solo and ask “How did your parents let you travel alone”?

I need Feminism because some people from my community still condone dowry in the form of ‘gifts’.

And last but not least, I need Feminism because I am tired of being told to stop being ‘such a Feminist’. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Roshni Kapur

Roshni Kapur is a graduate student majoring in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney.