There’s A Secret Living In Our Library’s Basement, And Only My Mom And I Know The Truth

As for us? Well, now we have two library guardians.

Of course, we have to be able to distinguish between them, so we decided to give them names. Our mommy, we call ‘Jo,’ from Little Women – because she is fearless and wonderful and kind and we both love her to death. Her child, we have named ‘Pip,’ for he is small but of him we have great expectations.

They are very happy in their basement home – Jo isn’t lonely, even when my mom and I can’t keep her company, because she has Pip by her side. Pip, although small, is growing up to be healthy and strong, at least as far as we can tell. They both come up to my mother and I when we come down to the basement – it seems they both like being read to and hand-fed. And they absolutely love when we pet them.

Once you get past the teeth and the legs and the fur, they’re really quite sweet.

Of course, there’s one thing that has been bothering me, and I can tell it troubles my mother as well, although neither of us have said it out loud yet.

See, the problem is…

Well. How did Jo get pregnant in the first place? Thought Catalog Logo Mark


About the author

Rona Vaselaar

Rona Vaselaar is a graduate from the University of Notre Dame and currently attending Johns Hopkins as a graduate student.

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