I Moved Into The House Where My Brother Committed Suicide And Weird Things Have Started Happening

I Moved Into The House Where My Brother Committed Suicide And Weird Things Have Started Happening

The police found photos in Will’s little camp in the basement – photos of him and Phillip engaging in intimate activities, photos of Phillip wearing makeup, applying lipstick, picking out dresses… Will actually giggled when he told us he’d mailed the photos to Phillip, claiming to have mailed them to us – his family – as well.

Phillip was so horrified that we knew.

So horrified that he hanged himself.

He actually thought we’d hate him for being gay. He never knew how much I loved him.

I wondered why Will had bothered staying in that house and coming after me. He mentioned briefly about the suicide note he’d found.

“It was addressed to his older brother. It made me want to hurt him, too.” Will’s eyes had turned intense and solemn as he said this.

When the police asked to see the note, he set about giggling again. “Gone, gone, gone. I burned it away.” No matter how many times they questioned him, he wouldn’t tell them what the note said… now I’ll never know what Phillip had wanted to tell me.

Will didn’t just murder Phillip. He took my mom as well. When she heard what Will told the police, she simply broke down into nothing. She mostly just sits and stares out the window now. She isn’t much to her anymore.

As for me, I’ll never know what is true and what isn’t. Will is crazy. Who knows what parts of his stories were lies, what parts were true? But in my heart, I know the only thing I’ll ever have to know: How much I hurt Phillip. The pain he carried in his heart because I never made it apparent to him that I’d always support him, always love him.

I’m sorry I failed you, Phillip. I’m going to make it up in the only way that I know how.

Because Will taught me the importance of family. And you know something? I bet he has one, too.

And I’ll be seeing them very soon.

About the author

Rona Vaselaar

Rona Vaselaar is a graduate from the University of Notre Dame and currently attending Johns Hopkins as a graduate student.