I Moved Into The House Where My Brother Committed Suicide And Weird Things Have Started Happening

I Moved Into The House Where My Brother Committed Suicide And Weird Things Have Started Happening

I looked him straight in the eye and smiled.

“I’m a good man. I’m here to take you away from this bad place.”

It didn’t take much convincing to get Thomas to leave with me. There was nothing keeping him there, anyway. I took him home to my mother. The sight of that tiny, starving, beaten child pulled her out of her shell. She rushed to his side, gathering him into her arms. Together we cleaned him up, got him fed, and gave him a place to stay.

It took him a long time to open up. For days he wouldn’t talk. It was one week after we’d taken him in when he looked up at me and opened his mouth for the first time.

“Did my big brother send you?”

My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure how to broach this subject. I cautiously asked, “Why would you say that?”

He looked down at his feet. “Will said he’d come back to save me. He was the only one who ever loved me.”


Thomas is doing better now. He laughs and plays like a normal kid. Forging the documents for him was difficult, but not impossible. He’ll be starting school soon. My mother loves having him around – I think she sees Phillip in him, too. But we also love Thomas for the sweet child he is.

In the end, I lost my chance for revenge. The only thing precious to Will and instead of torturing it, I protected it.

But as Thomas curls up on my lap and drifts to sleep, I can’t find it in my heart to regret my decision.

From now on, I’ll give him all the love that I can’t give Phillip.

About the author

Rona Vaselaar

Rona Vaselaar is a graduate from the University of Notre Dame and currently attending Johns Hopkins as a graduate student.