Rob Fee
No Matter What You’re Feeling Right Now, You Are Not Alone
There are times when you feel like the world is full of people that have either forgotten about you or are disappointed in you.
The 20 Best Blink-182 Songs Of All Time
Blink-182 has been one of the most entertaining and influential bands for over twenty years. Here’s some of their best work so far.
13 People Reveal The Most Horrifying Roommate Experiences Of Their Lives
This girl lived with me for a few months and I always noticed a weird smell coming out of her room…
21 Hilarious Signs You Grew Up With Religious Parents
On Halloween you didn’t get to go trick-or-treating. Instead you went to a Hallelujah Party at church where everyone had to dress up like a Bible character. Basically you had to wear a bathrobe.
5 Questions That Should Have Been Answered On True Detective
Not since Lost had I been so engulfed in a show like I was with True Detective.
18 Reasons Why Louisville Is The Best City You’ve Never Visited
It’s amazing how many people that live in Louisville have never been to Churchill Downs.
What’s The One Thing Guys Wish Girls Would Stop Doing?
If you’ve ever asked your boyfriend, “What’s one thing you would change about me?” you probably didn’t get an honest answer.
16 Things About Guys You’ve Always Wanted To Know But You’re Afraid To Ask
Guys are in the bathroom so long because we start reading useless stuff on our phones and lose track of time. One time I realized I had been reading about old school wrestling so long my feet were asleep and it was getting dark outside.
After Seeing These Images You Will Never Look At Boy Bands The Same Way Again
We all think of boy bands as cute little guys singing innocent songs about young love and backstreets being back, but this will change how you look at their song titles forever.
Why Did This Facebook Post Cost Her Family $80,000?
You know how you’ve had those moments of asking yourself, “Should I really post this on Facebook?” Dana Snay’s answer should have definitely been an emphatic no.
15 Movies Perfect To Watch On A Snow Day
Here’s a list of movies that are familiar, yet entertaining enough to help get you through a polar vortex without losing your mind.
A US Map Of Romantic Comedy Settings Or Storylines Based On Location
Nothing is worse than starting a movie and having the feeling that you’ve seen it a dozen times before. One of the biggest offenders in recycling similar ideas is romantic comedies.
The 15 Greatest N’Sync Songs Of All Time
15. “Just Got Paid”
Every time I cashed my minimum wage check from BlockBuster Video back in 2000, I would crank this song in my Geo Tracker to let everyone know of my recent financial blessings.
20 Hilarious Dating Tweets That Will Make You Glad You’re Single
When you’ve just come out of a break-up, the last thing you need is another inspirational quote.
8 Serial Killers Who Were Never Caught
From 1985 to 1990 there were nine murders in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Frankford where the victim was sexually assaulted and then brutally stabbed.
This Flowchart Will Resolve The Biggest Fight In Your Relationship
So many arguments in dating relationships, friendships, and marriages are rooted in one sinister question.
30 Things You Didn’t Know About Harry Potter
1. According to IMDB, over the entire run of the franchise, over 25,000 items of clothing and costuming have been used. 2. Harry Potter was such an amazing franchise.
25 Guilty Pleasure Songs That I Will Not Apologize For Loving
I’m going to be honest with you, I love garbage music.