21 Of The Best Multiplayer PS4 Video Games That Are Perfect For Playing With All Of Your Friends

It seems as though huge blockbuster games are coming out constantly, but shockingly enough, not many of them offer a fully immersive co-op experience where you and a few friends can get together and play through something more than a quick PvP deathmatch. To help you on your partnership quest, here are some of the best current Playstation 4 games you can play with your friends.

1. Destiny

YouTube / destinygame
YouTube / destinygame

Destiny has been my go-to game for quite some time now. The first person shooter has so much to do and is constantly adding new features and content, making it an investment that you’ll get enjoyment out for so much longer than your average game. The best part is that there’s something for everyone. If you prefer PvP, there are so many different variations that’ll keep it feeling fresh and fun. If you’re looking for relaxing gameplay, you can grab two friends and play through missions, strikes, or patrols for hours at a time. And if you want a real challenge, you and five friends can take on one of Destiny’s raids for one of the best team-oriented experiences you’ll ever play.

2. Rocket League

YouTube / Smosh Games
YouTube / Smosh Games

Rocket League is absolute chaos in the best possible way. You’re a random, high-powered vehicle battling against other vehicles in an insane version of soccer that takes place inside a massive dome where you’re constantly doing flips and tricks. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you, then you should seriously reevaluate your definition of fun. It’s an absolute blast and a great change of pace from whatever you’re currently playing.

3. Guitar Hero

YouTube / Smosh Games
YouTube / Smosh Games

The new Guitar Hero completely revamped the original format and offers a much more realistic experience with no more brightly colored buttons to mash. The career mode puts you in the middle of concerts where the crowd will love you, until you start to struggle, then you’ll be greeted with boos, angry signs, and dirty looks from your band mates. But don’t worry because there’s this wonderful online mode where you and a friend can play along with hundreds of songs in a continuous playlist where you can set your own difficulty and, no matter how poorly you play, you can’t fail. It’s the perfect party game everyone can play.

4. LittleBigPlanet3

YouTube / PlayStation
YouTube / PlayStation

The cool thing about LittleBigPlanet is that you are in control. You build pretty much everything and then you can share your ideas with the rest of the community. The puzzles are way more fun than you’d imagine and it’s definitely one of those games that you’d look at and just assume it’s for kids, but once you dive into it, you’ll soon discover that it’s something much more. Best of all, if you have the previous two installments, all the old downloadable content is backwards compatible.

5. Plants vs Zombies

YouTube / ArcadeGo.com
YouTube / ArcadeGo.com

I wasn’t familiar with Plants vs Zombies until I saw my friend’s kid playing it and I was immediately drawn in. You’re one of several types of plants trying to defend your garden from zombies that now have a taste for veggies over human flesh. It may look like a children’s game, but it’s fun for players of all ages and is the perfect game for when you need something suitable for little eyes, that’ll also present a challenge to you.

6. Call of Duty: Black Ops III

YouTube / Gamematics

Everyone knows the PvP for Call of Duty is some of the most competitive in the world, but the best experience for you and a group of friends is the zombie mode. The concept is simple: you guys are in a house and zombies are trying to get in and eat you. It requires coordination, teamwork, and skill to fight them off for as long as possible. If you haven’t visited a Call of Duty game in a while, this is the perfect time to come back.

7. Borderlands

YouTube / IGN
YouTube / IGN

If you’re looking for a fantastic campaign for you and a friend to play through, then the Borderlands series is for you. There’s nothing more frustrating than a game that has a fantastic single player mode, but when you switch to co-op, it’s a lesser, inadequate version. With Borderlands you get the full experience and it’s one of the most well-developed and rewarding multiplayer gaming sessions you’ll ever have. Now’s a perfect time to catch up on the whole series and see what the fuss is all about.

8. Resogun

YouTube / gamezplay
YouTube / gamezplay

This was one of the first games released on PS4 and honestly it’s still one of the best co-op games on the system. It’s a side scrolling shooter that feels like a polished version of an old NES game in the best possible way. The premise is simple, but the replay value is incredibly high.

9. The Division

YouTube / Smosh Games
YouTube / Smosh Games

I’ll be honest, this game isn’t for me at all, but so many of my friends enjoy it, so I’ll mention it just on their merit alone. It’s great if you enjoy the open world play of games like Assassin’s Creed, but with the team aspect and enemies that seem to flood you in all directions. If you really want to put your squad to the test, you can venture into the dark zone where the most coveted loot lies. But you have to be careful because, at any moment, a rogue group can come in, attack you, and battle you for your loot. It’s like living in The Purge.

10. Dynasty Warriors

YouTube / Video Games Are Dumb
YouTube / Video Games Are Dumb

I honestly don’t know what the story is in any of the Dynasty Warriors games, but I do know that mindlessly slashing through hundreds of enemies with a friend for hours at a time has been one of my favorite gaming experiences for years. On paper it seems monotonous and boring, but something about it is so much fun. You never play a quick game of Dynasty Warriors. You spend days in Dynasty Warriors.

11. Rayman Legends

YouTube / Lord Karnage
YouTube / Lord Karnage

What’s cool about Rayman’s co-op is that, in most games, having extra teammates makes things easier. In many situations and scenarios, this one can be much more frustrating when you have someone in your group that isn’t quite on the skill level of the rest of the team. It’s certainly not impossible, but if you all start it at the same time, on the same skill level, you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience.

12. Diablo 3

YouTube / ACG
YouTube / ACG

If you like Borderlands and you’ve never played Diablo, you just found your new addiction. You can easily transition between the two games and, best of all, it’s couch co-op, which means you and a couple of friends can go old school and play through it while sitting together in the same room. Remember when that was the ONLY option?

13. Warframe

YouTube / MrVg247
YouTube / MrVg247

Warframe may not have the depth of other games on the list, but the gameplay is really fun, the enemies offer enough variety to keep you entertained, and, best of all, it’s free! As much as we complain about full priced games not having enough content, games like this occasionally come along and make it all worth it.

14. Dying Light

YouTube / outsidexbox
YouTube / outsidexbox

I played through Dying Light by myself and was thoroughly entertained, but when I did it again with three other friends, the zombie apocalypse had never been more entertaining. It’s not a game that you’re going to revisit over and over for months at a time, but if you want a great story for you and your friends to work though, this is one of the best investments you can make.

15. Surgeon Simulator

YouTube / DashieGames
YouTube / DashieGames

Ok this is one is ridiculously fun and completely stupid. You play a surgeon and each of you control one of his hands. Then you have to try and perform an operation on a patient to give him new organs with the most archaic and crude tools imaginable. Even if your co-op partner doesn’t really like video games, they’ll find some laughs in this game.

16. Lego Marvel Super Heroes

YouTube / packattack04082
YouTube / packattack04082

If Lego games seem like children’s games, that’s just because you haven’t played them. They’re addictively fun with stories and gameplay that’ll keep you glued to the screen for hours at a time. The puzzles are just challenging enough to where you can’t breeze through them and the boss battles are simply fantastic. And of course they’re great for kids as well, so you’ve got a family friendly game that a younger sibling can play or a group of adults. If you enjoy it, there are several other Lego games that are just as fun.

17. Helldivers

YouTube / IGN
YouTube / IGN

If you’re tired of casual experiences and want something truly hardcore, then Helldivers is for you. It’s ridiculously difficult. Not only are the enemies insanely overpowered, you always have to deal with friendly fire that does damage. That means you have to coordinate your position and shots so you aren’t taking fire from the bosses or your partner. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

18. Mortal Kombat X

YouTube / Gento
YouTube / Gento

The classic fighting game has never looked better than this. All of your favorite characters are back as well as some very welcomed additions including Leatherface, Jason Voorhees, and the Predator. You don’t have to be an expert to pick up all the cool moves and, before you know it, you’ll be pulling off some of the most insanely graphic finishers you’ve ever seen on each other. You’ll be shocked at how much time you spend playing it. You might not be working together, but eventually you’ll just take turns doing those wild fatalities.

19. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

YouTube / IZUNIY
YouTube / IZUNIY

Remember how used to you just had to sit and watch each other play Tomb Raider and impatiently wait for your turn? Not anymore! Now you and up to three other friends can join together to loot treasure from unexplored landmarks, or you can make things really uncomfortable between your group by going rogue and stabbing your partners in the back. Be careful who you trust!

20. Never Alone

YouTube / GameZine
YouTube / GameZine

This is such a visually stunning game that deserves your attention just for its aesthetics alone. Thankfully the gameplay of solving puzzles is also great, and, best of all, you and a friend can play through it together and get the exact same experience as you would playing through it solo.

21. Pretty Much Every Sports Game

If all else fails and you still need a game for you and your friends to get into, you can never go wrong with sports games. Back in the day you were limited to playing one on one games, but now you can do leagues, tournaments, multiplayer in the same game, and career modes that can turn super competitive very quickly. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Rob Fee

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