What Classic Slasher Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Aries – Chucky
Hot-headed with a tendency to overemphasize their power, Chucky is a dead-ringer for an Aries. Chucky is quick to anger, can be unpredictable, and has absolutely zero filter. Some say that Aries are children at heart, which makes sense that Chucky is a serial killer trapped in a doll’s body. Like an Aries, Chucky has tons of energy and can’t be stopped if you cross him.
Taurus – Jason Voorhees
Taurus’ are known to be stubborn, hard-working, and have a deep sense of loving and wanting to be loved. Jason Voorhees is a total mama’s boy and goes on his murderous rampage for the sake of his mother being killed. Jason doesn’t give up, no matter how slowly he walks or gets beaten up. He is focused on the task and refuses to be stopped.
Gemini – Norman Bates
Geminis are known to be twins, having two differing personalities and sometimes two faces. Norman Bates gives off Gemini energy and the duality that encompasses them. On one hand, he is the doting and sensitive son, and on the other, he is the murderous villain who dresses up as his mother after killing her.
Cancer – Leatherface
Cancer signs are known to be sensitive beings and deeply devoted to their loved ones. They are introverts who like to go into their shell when they need a break. Hiding behind other people’s faces and behind what his family wants him to do, Leatherface is the ultimate Cancer. He just wants to love and be loved, and is even willing to saw people in half to get that love.
Leo – Pennywise
The star of the show, Leo, is enigmatic and a performer at heart, which makes Pennywise the epitome of one. Everything he does is for the bit, and when he doesn’t get attention from the children in Derry, he literally dies. That’s such Leo energy. Being a clown and performer in a past life is also too fitting.
Virgo – Jigsaw
Focused on perfectionism and being right all the time, Jigsaw is a total Virgo. He spends too much time working on his Saw traps to be engineered perfectly to provide the ultimate kill. He decides who dies based on who he thinks is bad and forces the person to choose the “right” thing or die trying. Most Virgos feel they are always in the right, and Jigsaw thinks he always is.
Libra – Pinhead
Pinhead can clearly communicate their thoughts and feelings, and he has a taste for the exquisite things in life like a Libra does. Libras want to be surrounded by beauty and love, and Pinhead is just searching for that to be fulfilled. Pinhead emphasizes right and wrong and punishes those who don’t follow the rules.
Scorpio – Freddy Krueger
Scorpios are known to be manipulative, passionate, and devious people. Freddy Krueger is exactly that and is unrelenting in pursuing who or what he wants. He wants to control the setting and environment around him and only attacks on his turf where he knows he can win. He is also determined to be the center of attention and never seems to need a break to sleep. Such a Scorpio!
Sagttarius – Ghostface
Charming, charismatic, and energetic, Ghostface embodies being a Sagittarius. All of the Ghostface killers can trick and fool their friends and family into thinking they’re the good guys. Like a Sagittarius, Ghostface is hyper-confident and can be messy, causing chaos wherever they go. They love to have a good chat before terrorizing their victims too, which is such a Sagittarius move.
Capricorn – Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman comes across as very calm, cool, and collected. He is focused on appearing well-put together and has the fancier things in life. Patrick is a Capricorn, as his reputation and the facade he puts up towards his coworkers and friends are important to him. Capricorns are also known to be financially stable, and that sense of high class is incredibly important to Patrick.
Aquarius – Michael Myers
Aquarians like to be alone and want to run away from any type of emotional expression. Michael Myers is definitely an Aquarius. He lives life in solitary and tends to be a little aloof. He shows zero expression and is so silent that he is sometimes referred to as “The Shape”, proving Aquarius’ enigma status.
Pisces – Samara
Pisces thrives on emotions and getting others to be vulnerable and express themselves. Samara is a martyr, but all she wants people to do is feel the pain she had to experience. Pisces is known for complex thoughts and emotions, and Samara checks those boxes. Plus, it is very fitting that her demise included water since the Pisces sign is a fish.