In 2019, Let Love Change You

In 2019, Let Love Change You

A lot of people say that pain changes people. Well, I can’t argue with that. But just so you know, love can be as powerful enough to change people too.

In 2019, don’t just learn but do love yourself. Start treating yourself better. Put everything that you learn in 2018 to action. Be kinder to yourself, because loving yourself starts from you and not from anyone else. Don’t let the negativities around and within you define you as a person. Believe in yourself more, because you can do it. God will strengthen you. Start believing that you deserve so much more and that you deserve to be happy.

In 2019, stop fixating yourself into something temporary. Stop lying to yourself that almost relationships can be worth a try or loving someone who ghosts you is worth the risk because they are not worth it. Instead of wasting your time and affection to those people, invest more to the people who have been there for you all this time. Because those people are the ones who should matter and they deserve to be valued. Be grateful for these people, because they are God’s blessings to you.

In 2019, put more effort into what matters you the most. Life is short to begin with, so stop procrastinating and start living your life to the fullest. Do what makes your heart and soul feel so light and easy. Put your passion into work and create something others can’t do. Don’t let the world dictate what you need to do and achieve by this time, it’s your life and only you can tell what you want and need. Just put your faith in Him and keep on doing you.

In 2019, let love do the work. Let yourself be free from all of the baggage you’ve been carrying all these years. Believe that you will heal from everything that keeps you from hurting too much. Forgive yourself from committing mistakes and failing countless times. Learn how to be softer to yourself and start loving your imperfections. Love yourself first before loving someone else, because how can you give love to others if you haven’t given it to yourself. Be the person who is capable of loving, because this world needs more people like you.

Let love seep within your body and soul. Because love can make you stronger and softer at the same time.

In 2019, let love change you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rikki Louise Cereno

She writes.✍️