Richard Grayson

A 20-Year-Old’s Diary Entries From Late February, 1972

As I said to Avis last night while we were lying on the floor, smoking grass and watching the Peking airport ceremonies, it’s so freaky seeing these Chinese soldiers, whom we’ve been taught to fear as our mortal enemies, playing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

A 20-Year-Old’s Diary Entries From Late January, 1972

Renee is getting married Thursday at City Hall to this “nebbish” grad student whom Alice described as “an ugly Woody Allen.” Alice thinks Renee is marrying him out of loneliness. The way Renee put it was: “I need a cheerleader.”

A 20-Year-Old’s Diary Entries From Early January, 1972

I couldn’t stay around the college and I just had to talk to someone, so I went over to Scott’s house. But he couldn’t understand the way I felt. He was upset because his father ordered him out of the house if he didn’t cut his hair and shave his beard.

A 20-Year-Old’s Diary Entries From Late December, 1971

Congressman Dellums said we must form a coalition of “the new niggers” and he pointed at a white woman and at me with my long hair and said that in today’s society, we’re considered niggers, too. “And we niggers are the majority,” he said.

A 20-Year-Old’s Diary Entries From September, 1971

All of us went in for a rap session. I was the only guy there – the woman in charge said they were always glad to see boys show up – and it was fun as we discussed all the various birth control devices. I learned a lot, and they gave us coffee and donuts.

Does Tao Lin Have A Case Against Sarah Weinman For Defamation Over Her Tweet?

I would like to analyze Tao Lin’s defamation claim against Sarah Weinman, both as an intellectual exercise that may have practical value in warding off costly litigation among two respected writers and a demonstration for law students and graduates taking the July bar exam on one way to analyze such a claim.