Kesha And The Mistaken Feminist: Taylor Swift

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I love Taylor Swift.

She’s a bombshell, has an impeccable smile and long gorgeous legs, is super-supportive of her friends and her fans, and has an extremely generous nature…or so I thought. I had a friend in grade 12 who was critical of Taylor—and I didn’t understand why. My friend thought that TSwizzle was a “faux-feminist” and while I didn’t disagree, I didn’t quite agree either. Although there were signs of the blonde bombshell being what she called a “faux-feminist” (for example, calling out Nicki Minaj for speaking out for black celebrities in the industry, in the name of “feminism”), I didn’t want to believe it because…well, it was Taylor. And Taylor was kind of like the girl that I always wanted to be.

Now, I still believe that Taylor has killer legs and a beautiful smile, but I don’t truly believe that she can call herself a “feminist” with the full force of the word.

Surely it is worthwhile for a feminist to defend fellow women who are in need of help? Surely it is not okay for someone to donate 250,000 (an amount that, I can’t help but point out, is minuscule for someone like Taylor, who earns millions a year) cryptically without saying a single word to defend other women who they believe were abused sexually, emotionally, and physically.

Yes, if you haven’t already figured it out, I’m talking about none other than superstar Kesha, who recently came out to tell the world about her abusive producer, Dr. Luke. The legal battle is long and arduous for Kesha, but it doesn’t just represent a pop star trying to make more music in the world without being abused further by her producer. It is a case for women worldwide.

When someone like Kesha, who is undeniably famous, comes out and says that she’s been the victim of rape and assault, it is significant for women worldwide. Why? Because the court’s verdict will not only determine the fate of Kesha, but also signify to women all around the world whether it is okay or not to speak out against their abusers. And the celebrities who speak out in support of Kesha are speaking to women all around the world that they are supported, that they are trusted. That for all their pain and suffering, they do not deserve to suffer more in the hands of the court, and in the hands of the media who shame them, and use profane words against them, as if they were the reason for the assault, and not a victim of something so many women have, and will, in their lifetime, experience.

We all know of the generous acts of Taylor Swift, who spoke out against Apple for delaying payment to new artists when their songs are released. We know that Apple, within a day, responded to Taylor Swift, and decided to change their course of action. We all know just how powerful Taylor Swift is.

And it’s not as if Taylor doesn’t support Kesha because she isn’t sure whether Kesha is telling the truth or not. She has donated $250,000 for the cause, indicating that she believes Kesha’s word. And yet, there are no words coming out of her mouth in support of Kesha, and in support of women worldwide who have been the victim of rape, or abuse. She is not a feminist because she does not support a safe world for women. She is not a feminist because she does not support other women who she claims should support each other and build each other up. She does not get to call herself a feminist simply because she is a girl and has risen to the top against all odds. To be a feminist, one is fighting for an equal world for all, and is a world that values the words of men over women, a world that is equal? To me, it’s not. But to Taylor Swift, who refuses to speak out for Kesha, evidently, thinks that it is.

So Taylor Swift, I say to you, for all your cuteness and your adorable girl squad, you might fancy yourself a feminist, but as Spiderman once said, “With great power comes great responsibility” and you have just failed miserably. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Rena Gao

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