Please Try To Understand How Much I Love You

just soooooooo in love
Priscilla Du Preez

I love you so please try to understand.

Please understand when I’m being irritable. I don’t even get myself, either. Maybe I just need you to wheedle me. Before you came, I hate sweet talks. But ever since I met you, it seemed to be part of my day. Please understand when I can’t stop over thinking things. Maybe I am just afraid of what will happen next. It’s because I can’t let you go. Please understand when I get insecure about myself. I always think that someone better out there will catch your attention.

To love is to risk.

I know you love me and I don’t have to feel insecure but let’s face it; we don’t know what the future holds. We can’t evade pain. What is love without little pain? It is part of loving and if we are lucky enough to pass through many storms and we could reach the sun and there would be no darkness for the two of us. I don’t want to think that we aren’t meant for each other because for me, you’re my destination. You are my end game.

I fell so damn hard for you and I’m scared that maybe one day, you’ll leave me hanging and if that happens, how would I pick up the broken pieces of me that are dappled on the floor?

Please understand when I always look like begging for so much attention. I admit I’m a little bit doubtful that sometimes you show the other girls the attention I like to have. Please understand when I’m being sensitive when it comes to you, to the words you utter, and to the actions you show. You know how much I hate change. I notice the slightest change in our conversation and I’m starting to think that you don’t see me the way you did before. I know I’m not easy to love but when I love, I love hard, I fully give my all.

You complete me so I should fulfill you.

I’m trying so hard to be matured enough for the both of us. What we have is so precious to me.

I have no intention of falling this deep but you made me fall this hard. When I fall in love, I fall really hard.

I give way too much, care way too much, and invest way too much.

Please try to understand that I love you so much to even think of letting you slip away. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Reena Aquino

I speak through writing.

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