Rebekah Renko

I’ve had sex on top of a mountain. On literal stone. It was painful.

Stop Being An Online Bully

Criticizing others without the necessity to do so is bullying and stilts art for those you’re speaking against.

My Struggle With An Eating Disorder

I’m recently married. Six months into my marriage, and I can already attest to the fact that change often brings with it anxiety and tension for a person struggling with their diet.

What I Learned From Los Angeles

Somehow my smallness in Los Angeles made me resilient. I began to realize it was the effort of trying that made me matter. Failure to try became paramount to failure in of itself. Essentially, success was no longer mandatory, while willingness was everything.

Maybe It’s Time To Quit Smoking

The first time I smoked a cigarette was in jest. It happened on a humid summer night when I was a week away from leaving for my freshman year of college. I was with a childhood friend who had smoked forever and the process felt safe, almost childlike…