Maybe We Don’t Need To Fear Death At All


We all joke about dying one day, but when someone we love passes on it no longer becomes the punch line to a vulgar joke—instead the thought of death becomes a subtle pain that lingers within our heart for the rest of our lives.

Death is a scary concept. Not knowing if the next breath is our last, and if and when we will have enough time to say our goodbyes—that’s frightening.

Death has taken some of the most important people in my life too soon, but maybe death is not something to fear. Maybe death is a beautiful beginning; a fresh start where the people we cherish feel no pain and watch over us as we continue to live our everyday lives.

I am not saying that death is something to feel joyful about—it is okay to feel dejected; it’s okay to cry and mourn the loss of someone you loved. What I am saying is that maybe we are overlooking the positive aspect that stems from such a heart-rending event.

When someone is taken from us suddenly, we find ourselves stuck in a place of confusion and despair because life without them doesn’t seem plausible. I can’t help but think of one of the most common phrases that I’ve heard over and over again–“It is a shame, he or she was taken way too soon.” I found myself consumed with that phrase and was constantly questioning why some people died so young, why some people would suffer for years before passing, or why some people were blessed with a long healthy lifespan.

But maybe death is like a tragic love story—the outcome results in death, but the journey is trotted fearlessly by people who are adventurous and driven by the idea of living a full life despite their questionable duration on this Earth.

Maybe death is just a beautiful catastrophe.

We spend so much time fearing death, when we really should fear not living.

Like Shakespeare said, everyone owes God one good death. We were put here with a purpose and with no indication of how long we will have. So why are we avoiding living our lives to the greatest extent when death is inevitable? Why are we so afraid to take that next step that can potentially alter the rest of our lives?

The truth of the matter is, death does not discriminate—it doesn’t matter what race you are, your gender, what your income is, or whether you are young or old. It doesn’t factor in whether you are compassionate, malicious, timid, or loud. It is because of this that death should not be dreaded, but should be the reason we live the life we have been given exactly the way we want to.

Maybe death exists so we realize just how precious our time is—death should not be viewed as this dark morbid being, but as a mysterious presence that pushes us to do the things that frighten us the most.

We don’t know when we will say our final words. We don’t know what we are going to be feeling the moment that life is taken away from us. So what has the death of my loved ones done to me? It has fueled me to take every opportunity that is put in front of me, and experience every moment like it is my last. So Death—the motivation to live a full life daringly before it brings you to your new beginning. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rebecca Sambursky

Finding beauty in everything I see and everyone I meet.

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