Life Isn’t Always Beautiful But The Journey Is

Mike Kitsch / Unsplash

Life may be a sunny summer afternoon for others, brimming with happiness and cheerful delights; but for some, it may be another day of weathering their own storm and getting passed through the long, winding, stressful maze of life.

It is easy, it is hard. It is happy, it is sad. It is a constant contradiction, it is life. And you are here to live it. You are here because you need to take part in its beautiful cycle.

Most of your days may be rough.

Your boss might have consumed every inch of patience you have in you. You may have lost that promotion you have been eyeing on. You may have just been fired from your job of five years. You may have been body shamed and bullied. Your best friend might have betrayed you. Your relationship might be on the verge of breaking apart. Maybe you are in the middle of a grueling divorce. Maybe you have failed the most important exam of your life after tirelessly studying day in and day out. Maybe you just found out that somebody so close to your heart has been stricken with cancer and your world just suddenly crashed on you in one snap.

Or maybe you are just lost and you don’t know what to do or where to go.

You are devastated on all levels. You try to wake up and just get by another day. You drink your usual coffee and rush to work. You are disappointed from head to toe, broken from inside out. But nobody knows, nobody notices, except you.

You have mastered the art of concealing the battles you are fighting inside your head. You seem okay, you try to be. You smile, you laugh, and you do the usual things you do.

But in silence, you drown. Your mind wanders through its darkest corners asking yourself why nothing seems to be going right. Why you keep on coming back to that same spot that causes you pain. Why?

Then you wake up and realize that nothing’s changed. You are still you; your battles are still the same.

When you reach this very moment dear one, may you remember that life is what you perceive of it. Its beauty will depend mainly on how you see it. You can either choose to see its wonders or the disaster it brings.

Yes, life is hard. It is full of hurdles, of diverting paths, of blunders, disappointments and misread signals. Yes, it is difficult but it certainly is beautiful.

It is never easy, but this is what makes you, you!

All of the pains you have been in have constantly been the building blocks of your character. You may not realize it, but you are not the same person you were yesterday. You have been changed by all the experiences you have surpassed. You are braver, you are wiser now.

At times you may feel like you are in rock bottom, that there is no way out and failure is your only option. But darling trust that everything is but temporary, whatever it is it shall pass. You just have to keep going.

Walk, run if you must, pause if you’re tired but don’t ever give up. Keep moving forward.

Keep believing that everything under the sun has its reason. You are living the life you have now – experiencing what you are supposed to go through because it is meant to make you a better version of yourself.

Keep the faith that everything will be okay. That there will come a day that your smile will no longer have to conceal the monsters inside your head, that you’ll truly be happy and worry free.

Most days, life will teach its lesson the hard way. You have to go through pain, heartbreak, and grief, whatever it is that will break you to pieces; life will throw it at you.

Yes, life’s a hard teacher. But the lessons you’ll learn, and the outcome it will bring will be worth every tear you’ve shed. And you’ll just be surprised how strong you’ve turned out to be.

All your scars, all the hurt, the whole process of falling and recovering will all give way for your metamorphosis.

Life was never promised to be easy dear one, but it surely is worthy. Savor every bit of it, savor even the pain. It is what makes your life a beautiful journey.

Darling, the climb will be hard, but the view will be worth it! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Reana Fe Bobier

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