11 Tiny Ways To Fall In Love With Yourself

Irene Davila

1. Learn that even when bad experiences shut your heart in a cold cage; it does not mean that it will never open again. You are made to love and you are placed exactly where you are to give love.

2. Watch your life as you watch your favorite movie and turn its pages like you turn pages of your favorite book, with eagerness to know what’s next.

3. Write handwritten love notes to the parts of your body that you hate. Know that you’re still blooming and growing, and that’s okay. As Osho said, “Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it and to realize it”.

4. Find comfort in holding your own hand. Date yourself and get to know yourself deeply this time. Stop depending on other people for you to be happy.

5. Do something that scares you every day, no matter how small. Challenge yourself to be better and watch your life change before your eyes.

6. Stop wishing for a perfect life. Stop waiting for a perfect weekend vacation. Today, make your life something that you don’t want to escape from.

7. Life does not come with a manual instruction. Break conventions. Be weird and color outside the lines. Do not limit yourself to what is known. Be a little different from everybody.

8. Look at the veins in your wrists. They are roots and your limbs are the branches. Your body is a strong tree; please do not cut it down.

9. Flip through old photos and reminisce the about past but don’t live there. Let it go because nothing new happens there. You had a bad start? Then end it good.

10. Be the person you want to fall in love with.

11. Let God fill your heart with overflowing love and accept the fact that you are imperfect but with Him, you are the most precious gem in the universe. The world may be a crazy place but it won’t ever be the same without you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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