Man On Kid’s Tricycle Faster Than New York City Bus

New Yorkers get a lot of flack for complaining about the city’s public transit. After all, our buses and subways run 24 hours a day and they can take you pretty much anywhere in the five boroughs. The problem, though, is that they tend to be painfully slow, according to comedian Mark Malkoff and pretty…


New Yorkers get a lot of flack for complaining about the city’s public transit. After all, our buses and subways run 24 hours a day and they can take you pretty much anywhere in the five boroughs. The problem, though, is that they tend to be painfully slow, according to comedian Mark Malkoff and pretty much anyone who’s ever taken a bus in Manhattan. To prove his point, Malkoff decided to race a crosstown bus while riding a big wheel tricycle. And in this video, he does just that, beating the B42 on a one-mile stretch of 42nd street by nearly 3 minutes. Possibly time to give up my monthly MetroCard. Thought Catalog Logo Mark
